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2010-02-05  来源:中国聚合物网


[1].  XU Yuan-ze. Frontiers and trends of rheology for complex fluids[M].Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Rheology, Science Press, 2006: 315-323. (in Chinese)
[2].  XU Yuan-ze. Gelation rheology and applications for complex fluids[C]. (Proc. of  VIII National Congress on Rheology) Ji nan,  Shandong Univ. Press, (2006) 32-34. (in Chinese)
[3].  YU Wei, ZHOU Chixing, XU Yuan-ze. Rheology of concentrated blends with immiscible components[J]. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2005, 43(18), 2534-2544.
[4].  Yan B, Zhou H, and Li D, Numerical simulation of the filling stage for plastic injection moulding based on the Petrov–Galerkin methods[J]. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2007, 221(10): 1573-1577.
[5].  XU Yuan-ze, WU Yu-zhe, YANG Jian-mao. Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Effects in Phase Inversion Emulsification Process of Epoxy Resin in water[J]. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2006, 24(2), 155-161.
[6].  YANG Jian-mao, XU Yuan-ze HU Yun-tao. The meso-scale investigation of multiphase fluids - Four-roll Mill rheometer and its application[J]. Chinese Polym. Bulletin, 2007, 4:17-22.
[7].  YANG Jianmao, XU Yuanze. Coalescence of two viscoelastic Droplets Connected by a String[J], Physics of Fluid, 2008, 20(4), 043101-1-9.
[8].  YANG Jian-mao, XU Yuan-ze. Viscoelastic effect on drop coalescence – Bead-String-Bead merging[J]. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2008, 8: 734-740 (in Chinese)
[9].  YANG Jian-mao, XU Yuan-ze, Merging of viscoelastic droplets[C], (Proc. of VIII national congress on rheology), Ji nan, Shandong Univ. Press , 2006: 178-184. (in Chinese)
[10].  WU You-jun, YU Wei, ZHOU Chi-xing, XU Yuan-ze. Shape evolution of a single liquid crystal droplet immersed in an isotropic matrix under transient and steady flow[J]. Physical Review E, 2007, 75: 041706-1-9.
[11].  ZHANG Xiu-juan,YI Xiao-su, XU Yuan-ze. The time/temperature relationship during phase separation of different thermoplastic modified thermosetting systems[J]. Acta Polymerica Sinica. 2007, 8: 725-730. (in Chinese)
[12].  ZHANG Xiu-juan,YI Xiao-su, XU Yuan-ze. Cure-Induced Phase Separation of Epoxy/DDS/PEK-C Composites and its Temperature Dependency[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 109, 2195–2206.
[13].  ZHANG Xiu-juan,YI Xiao-su, XU Yuan-ze. The effect of chemical structure on phase separation time/temperature dependencies in some thermoplastics modified thermoset systems[J]. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2008, 6: 583-591. (in Chinese)
[14].  ZHANG Xiu-juan, XU Yuan-ze. Rheological and morphological study of the phase separation and gelation process of TP modified TS systems[C], (Proc. of  VIII national congress on rheology), Ji nan, Shandong Univ. Press, 2006: 138-144 (in Chinese)
[15].  ZHANG Xiu-juan,YI Xiao-su, XU Yuan-ze. Phase separation time/temperature dependence of thermoplastic modified thermosetting systems[J]. Frontiers of chemical engineering in China, 2008, 2(3): 276-285.
[16].  CAO Xu-long, LI Zheng-quan, ZHANG Qun-ling,WANG Gang, XU Yuan-ze. Multi-scale rheological perspective to polymer solutions and gels in EOR[J]. J Cent South Univ Technol, 2007, 14(suppl.): 232-237.
[17].  SUN Huan-zhang, ZHANG K. L. Zhang Qun-ling, CHEN Jing. ZENG Shen-wen, PING Zhen-hua, XU Yuan-ze. Effect of hydrophobic association on structure and rheological behavior of polyacrylamide aqueous solutions [J]. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2006, 9(6): 810-814.
[18].  YANG Jian-mao, CAO Xu-long, ZHANG Qun-ling, QIU Feng, XU Yuanze.  Monte Carlo Simulation of the gelation process of the aqueous polymer weak gel[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Univ., 2006, 27(3): 579-582 (in Chinese)
[19].  ZHANG Qun-ling, LI Zheng-quan, LIU Qun, CAO Xu-long, XU Yuan-ze. The rheological analysis of gelation kinetics for partial hydrolyzed polyacrylamide weak gel[J]. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2006, (3): 518-522 (in Chinese)
[20].  WANG Gang, XU Yuan-ze, FAN Xue-jing, CAO Xu-long, LIU Kun, ZHANG Ji-chao. Rheology and texture change of aqueous gelation systems[J]. Chem. J. Chinese Univ., 2008, 29(9): 1-4. (in Chinese)
[21] Ying Guo, Wei Yu, Yuanze Xu, and Chixing Zhou,Liquid-to-solid transition of concentrated suspensions under complex transient shear histories,Phys. Rev. E,80, 061404 (2009)

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论文列表(中文)(in Chinese)

·王志伟 广西大学
·段青山 广西大学
·唐林 重庆师范大学
·靳羽华 香港中文大学(深圳)
·闫凯 陕西科技大学
·何承恩 武汉纺织大学
·周健 中国科学院宁波材料所
·仇亚昕 扬州大学
·赵德鹏 沈阳工程学院
·郭铮铮 西安理工大学
·李静 西安理工大学
·江亮 四川大学
·刘彦男 上海交通大学