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2010-02-05  来源:中国聚合物网


* Award of Academia Sinica for Portable GC instrument for air polution detection.(1979)
*Borschers Gold Medal by RWTH Aachen(1981), for excellent PhD Thesis on Polymer Rheology.
*Special Award by Academia Sinica (1981),(1987)  for ultra-pure hydrogen generator.
*National award(1982) and Eureka gold medal in Brussels world Fair(1988). for a technique of processing fine polypropylene fiber  by means of molecular weight regulation of the polymer.
*Special award of Academia Sinica (1986) for the improvement of magnetic paint for recording disc used in large scale computer.
*Special award of Academia Sinica (1988) for the improvement of processing of polybutadiene rubber.
* First class award for State key project on polymer and bio-polymer application in enhanced oil recovery.(1986-1990), (1991-1995)
* Ciba-Geigy quality awards (1994, 1997, 1998, 1999)
* Best paper award by polymer division of Chinese Chemical Society (2005)

主要编著及专利(Books & Patents):

* Zur Strukturrheologie von Verduennten Polymerloessungen in Scher- und Konvergenz- Stroemungen, Hsue, Yuan-Tse, Dissertation of RWTH Aachen (1981) pp167;
* 高分子结构流变学,许元泽著,四川教育出版社(1988) pp267;
* 聚合物的性质(Properties of Polymers), D.W.Van Krevelen, 许元泽,赵得禄,吴大诚译,科学出版社, (1981) pp.468;
* 聚合物加工原理,(Principles of Polymer Processing), Tadmore,Z. and Gogos,C.G., 耿孝正等译,许元泽译校, 化工出版社 (1989);
* 流变学进展 (Proc. 1st National Congress on Rheology in China) 陈文芳,袁龙蔚,许元泽主编,科学文献出版社 (1986) pp.679;
* 链状分子的统计力学(Statistical Mechanics of Chain Molecules), Flory,P.J.,吴大诚,赵得禄,高玉书,许元泽译,四川教育出版社(1991);
* Advances in Rheology and its Applications (Proceeding of the 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology) ed. By Yingshe Luo, Qiuhua Rao & Yuanze Xu, Science Press USA Inc. (2005);
* 许元泽,郭础,王鸣贵,电解超纯氢发生器钯合金阴极制作,中国专利 No.85100882, 04, 1987;
* 许元泽,何勤功,中国专利No.85202833, 04,1987;
* 许元泽, 张秀娟,高温过程显微形貌分析仪,中国专利No. 2007200666499 (2007) .

·王志伟 广西大学
·段青山 广西大学
·唐林 重庆师范大学
·靳羽华 香港中文大学(深圳)
·闫凯 陕西科技大学
·何承恩 武汉纺织大学
·周健 中国科学院宁波材料所
·仇亚昕 扬州大学
·赵德鹏 沈阳工程学院
·郭铮铮 西安理工大学
·李静 西安理工大学
·江亮 四川大学
·刘彦男 上海交通大学