2025-03-24  来源:高分子科技


  近日,广西大学林宝凤教授团队报道了一种从废弃蚕茧和回收蚕丝中提取的丝素蛋白SF)与植酸(PA)通过氢键和静电作用“编织”成网络结构,成功制备了独特的SF/PA凝胶体,可用于通过“扫捕”和物理吸附去除不同的污染物。实验结果表明SF/PA凝胶能吸附水中 99.9%以上的超细纳米颗粒,可将含有不同大小悬浮颗粒的水溶液的透光率从10% 提高到80-90%,许多难以处理的有害污染物也能被“一网扫净”,包括细菌、聚苯乙烯微球、不溶性抗生素和杀虫剂。此外,引入的植酸可赋予 SF/PA 凝胶优异的广谱抗菌特性。因此,从废弃资源中提取 SF/PA 凝胶不仅可以达到以废治废的目的,而且去除污染物后的产物可作为生物炭基肥再利用,改善土壤环境。这一工艺建立了一个可持续的闭环系统,为资源的可持续利用提供了一个很好的方案。

  该工作以“Filament-woven SF/PA gel for removing ultrafine nanoparticles and unmanageable hazardous pollutants by "all-in-one net"”为题发表于《Journal of Environmental Management》。论文的通讯作者为广西大学化学化工学院林宝凤教授,第一作者为2022级硕士研究生韦秋梅。该研究得到国家自然科学基金(22175045)和广西自然科学基金重点项目(2021GXNSFDA220005)的资助。

Fig. 1 (a) The closed-loop system generated during the application of SF/PA gel. (b) Schematic of the gelation process of silk proteins and phytic acid from filaments into a network and its application.

Fig. 2 (a-f) SEM of the microstructure of SF/PA gel at different ratios. (g-i) SF/PA gel (0.5:1) after adsorption of pollutants. (j) EDS of SF/PA gel (0.5:1).

Fig. 3 FTIR spectra of (a) SF, PA, SF/PA gel and SF/PA gel;(b) SF/PA gel in different ratios; (c-d) XRD patterns of SF and SF/PA gel; (e-i) High-resolution XPS spectra of the C 1s, O1s, N 1s, P 2p for SF and SF/PA gel.  

Fig. 4 (a) Antibacterial activities of SF, PA, and SF/PA gel against S. aureus and E. coli. (b-c) Bactericidal rate and bacterial survival plots of S. aureus and E. coli at different PA levels. (d)Antibacterial efficiency of S. aureus and E. coli at different PA levels.

Fig. 5 (a-f)Adsorption of different ratios of SF/PA gels for different initial nanoparticles concentrations (0.2%,0.4%,0.6%,0.8%,1%,1.2%; adsorption time of 1h). (a1-f1) Residual nanoparticles content after adsorption for different times with different ratios of SF/PA gel materials (0.6% TiO2)



