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2010-03-19  来源:中国聚合物网

55.Effects of ultrasonic oscillations on processing behavior and mechanical properties of metallocene-catalyzed linear low-density polyethylene/low-density polyethylene blends, Hong Wu, Shaoyun Guo, Guangshun Chen, Huaigu Shi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94, 2522-2527, 2004.
56.Studies on chain scission and extension of polyamide 6 melt in the presence of ultrasonic irradiation, Jiang Li, Mei Liang, Shaoyun Guo, Ying Lin, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 86, 323-329, 2004.
57.Weld line morphology and strength of polystyrene/polyamide-6/poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) blends, Chang Lu, Shaoyun Guo, Li Wen, Junyou Wang, European Polymer Journal, 40, 2565-2572, 2004.
58.Effect of interfacial interaction on morphology and mechanical properties of PP/PEO/BaSO4 ternary composites, Zhen Li, Shaoyun Guo, Wentao Song, Bin Hou, Journal of Materials Science, 38, 1793-1802, 2003
59.Ultrasonic improvement of rheological and processing behaviour of LLDPE during extrusion, Shaoyun Guo, Yuntao Li, Guangshun Chen and Huilin Li, Polymer International, 52, 68-73, 2003
60.Ultrasonic oscillations effect on rheological and processing properties of metallocene-catalyzed linear low density polyethylene, Hong Wu, Shaoyun Guo, Guangshun Chen, Jia Lin, Wei Chen, Hongtao Wang, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 90, 1873-1878, 2003
61.Effect of high-energy vibro-milling of filler on mechanical properties of filler-filled high-density polyethylene, Shaoyun Guo, Hong Wu, Guangshun Chen and Xiangrong Chen, Polymer Composites, 24 (3), 456-463, 2003
62.Mechanochemical improvement of the flame-retardant and mechanical properties of zinc borate and zinc borate-aluminum trihydrate-filled poly(vinyl chloride), Hong Pi, Shaoyun Guo, Yong Ning, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 89, 753-762, 2003
63.Effect of the interfacial interaction on the phase structure and rheological behavior of polypropylene/ethylene-octene copolymer/ BaSO4 ternary composites, Zhen Li, Shaoyun Guo, Wentao Song, Yan Yan, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, 40, 1804-1812, 2002
64.A study on weld line morphology and strength of injection molded polystyrene/poly(methyl methacrylate) blends, Shaoyun Guo, A. Ait-kadi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 84, 1856-1865, 2002
65.Ultrasonic improvement of compatibility and rheological behavior of high-density polyethylene/polystyrene blends, Guangshun Chen, Shaoyun Guo, Huilin Li, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 86, 23-32, 2002
66.Ultrasonic improvement of rheological behavior of polystyrene, Guangshun Chen, Shaoyun Guo, Huilin Li, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 84, 2451-2460, 2002
67.A study on reactive enhancement of filler-filled high-density polyethylene, Shaoyun Guo, Xiangrong Chen, Jianxing Wu and Guangshun Chen, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 39, 305-315, 2000
68.Flame-retardant and smoke-suppressant properties of zinc borate and aluminum trihydrate-filled rigid PVC, Yong Ning, Shaoyun Guo, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 77, 3119-3127, 2000
69.A study on properties and morphological structure of ferrocene-filled PVC, Shaoyun Guo, Yong Ning, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, 37, 2828-2834, 1999
70.Effect of mechanochemical degradation on gelation and mechanical properties of PVC, Xi Xu, Shaoyun Guo, Zeqiong Wang, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 64, 2273-2281, 1997
71.The effect of mechanochemical degradation on processability and properties of PVC, Xi Xu, Shaoyun Guo, Zeqiong Wang, Journal of Polymer Research, 2, 233-238, 1995
72.Ionomer toughened polyolefine, Xi Xu, Xiangshen Zeng, Shaoyun Guo and Huilin Li, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 11, 391-397, 1995
73.A study on morphological structure of low molecular weight PVC prepared by vibromilling degradation, Xi Xu, Shaoyun Guo, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 34, 621-632, 1995
74.Plasticizing effect of low molecular weight PVC prepared by vibromilling degradation on PVC, Xi Xu, Shaoyun Guo, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 34, 679-688, 1995
75.Effect of mechanochemical degradation on rheological behavior of PVC, Shaoyun Guo, Xi Xu, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 33, 605-614, 1994
76.A study on the morphology and properties of IPP/IIR blends, Guo Shaoyun, Li Huilin and Xu Xi, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science(English Edition), 9(3), 226-231, 1991
77.A study on morphology and properties of IPP/zinc-neutralized sulfonated EPDM blends, Xi Xu; Shaoyun Guo; Huilin Li, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 30, 751-760, 1991
78.交替微层高分子复合材料的阻隔性能与结构,李姜,郭少云,李婷,杜芹,武汉理工大学学报 2009,31(21),25-27
79.聚丙烯/碳纳米管微层挤出材料结构与性能,李姜,文明,李家丽,孙小杰,郭少云,武汉理工大学学报 2009,31(21),56-58/65
80.交替层状结构氯化丁基橡胶/三元乙丙橡胶复合材料的阻尼性能,张玉清,戴莹莹,李姜,郭少云,合成橡胶工业 2009,32 (5),383-386
83.马来酸酐改善聚氯乙烯色泽的机理研究,许家友,郭少云,广州大学学报(自然科学版) 2009,8(2), 57-59
84.表面改性剂对聚丙烯/氢氧化镁复合材料燃烧性能和热稳定性及结晶行为的影响,陈晓浪,于杰,何敏,郭少云,鲁圣军,胡智,周祚万,高分子材料科学与工程 2009,25(5),60-63
85.多壁碳纳米管增强炭黑/聚丙烯导电复合材料导电行为,杨波,陈光顺,李姜,郭少云,复合材料学报 2009,26(4),41-46
86.强紫外光作用下PVC/增韧剂体系结构与性能的演变,皮红,陈深情,郭少云,高等学校化学学报 2009,30(5),1029~1034
87.PVC/TiO2共混物界面的力化学改性研究,付勰,皮红,郭少云,塑料工业 2009,37(7),54-57
93.微纳多层功能复合材料的制备新技术,王明,郭少云,工程塑料应用 2008,36(11),83-87
94.硬酯酸盐复合物的形成及对聚氯乙烯的热稳定化作用,孙伟,陈光顺,郭少云,高分子材料科学与工程 2008, 24(10), 87-90
95.CPVC/PVC与CPVC/ABS合金加工性能研究,皮红,杨涛,张风顺,郭少云,周登义,塑料工业 2008,36(8),33-39
96.高密度聚乙烯/尼龙6共混物的形态结构对其性能的影响,杜芹,郭少云,李姜,王明,沈佳斌,许双喜,蒋松霖,陈蓉,高分子材料科学与工程 2008, 24(6), 88-91
97.纳米水滑石对PVC热稳定性能的影响研究,孙伟,陈光顺,郭少云,塑料工业 2008,36(3),58-64
98.应力作用下硬质聚氯乙烯的紫外光老化机理,朱志鹏,皮红,郭少云,李光宪,高分子材料科学与工程 2008, 24(8), 93-96
·王志伟 广西大学
·段青山 广西大学
·唐林 重庆师范大学
·靳羽华 香港中文大学(深圳)
·闫凯 陕西科技大学
·何承恩 武汉纺织大学
·周健 中国科学院宁波材料所
·仇亚昕 扬州大学
·赵德鹏 沈阳工程学院
·郭铮铮 西安理工大学
·李静 西安理工大学
·江亮 四川大学
·刘彦男 上海交通大学