ZHANG Cai-Lianga,, FENG Lian-Fanga , ZHAO Jiana , HU Guo-Huab
a State key laboratory of polymer reaction engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027
b Laboratory of chemical engineering sciences, CNRS-ENSIC-INPL
1 rue Grandville BP 451, 54001 Nancy, France
Abstract: Co-continuous morphologies of PS/PA6 were obtained in haake torque rheometer. The percolation threshold value and morphology coarsening were investigated. The results showed that the increase of rotor speed and temperature decreasing resulted in the increasing of PS continuity; when the copolymer of PS and PA6 (PS-g-PA6) was added to the blend system, the co-continuity interval became narrower; During quiescent annealing, the coarsening of the morphology was speeded at higher temperature and the coarsening speed of co-continuous slowed when added the compatibiliser PS-g-PA6.