Synthesis of monodisperse, large scale and high solid content latexes of poly(n-butyl acrylate) by a one-step batch emulsion polymerization  
Synthesis of monodisperse, large scale and high solid content latexes of poly(n-butyl acrylate) by a one-step batch emulsion polymerization
资料类型: PDF文件
关键词: Emulsion  polymerization  Large  particle  size  High  solid  
资料大小: 1277k
所属学科: 高分子化学
来源: 来源网络
Seeded emulsion polymerization and agglomerating method were well-known techniques for the production of polymeric latexes with large particle size and high solid content. Obtaining latexes with monodisperse and particle size above 300 nm scale, however, was time-consuming and difficult by means of these methods. Here, stable, monodisperse latexes with the controlled particle diameter (55–650 nm) and high solid content (60 wt%) were synthesized via one-step in batch emulsion polymerization. Experimental investigations show that the particle size increasedwith decreasing emulsifier concentrations and increasing monomer/water ratios or electrolyte concentrations. The latex particle coagulation was considered as the dominant particle formation and growth method,which could be proved by the evolutions of particle number as well as dimension against conversion. Latex particle coagulation occurred if the particle surface covered ratio dropped between the critical surface covered ratio (θcrit=0.59) and the lowermost surface covered ratio (θlow=0.38). In addition,θcrit and θlow were increased with electrolyte concentrations
上传人: liubj1988
上传时间: 2014-02-16 21:07:16
下载次数: 7
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