Preparation of Fluorescent Conjugated Polymer Films with Different Emission Colors: Investigation into the Influences of Chemical Structure and Morphology  
Preparation of Fluorescent Conjugated Polymer Films with Different Emission Colors: Investigation into the Influences of Chemical Structure and Morphology
资料类型: PDF文件
关键词: chemical  structures  conjugated  polymers  films  fluorescence  morphology  
资料大小: k
所属学科: 高分子化学
来源: 来源网络
A series of PPV fi lms with different fl uorescent emission colors are prepared using a facile approach. Modifi ed from the conventional Wessling route, the labile sulfonium groups in the polymer precursor (pre-PPV) are partly substituted to various degrees by relatively stable methoxy groups, followed by a regular thermal elimination step to obtain PPV. Different chemical structures among these films are confi rmed by IR and photophysical studies. Two filmpreparative processes are compared and the fi lms are studied by SEM and confocal fluorescent microscopy. From the same polymer precursor, different preparative processes result in PPV films with different morphologies but the same photophysical properties.
上传人: fanlijuan
上传时间: 2013-08-28 14:04:58
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