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Gaining Insights into Functional Polymer Materials at 50 nm Spatial Resolution Using an AFM Probe as Infrared Absorption Sensor
Gaining Insights into Functional Polymer Materials at 50 nm Spatial Resolution Using an AFM Probe as Infrared Absorption Sensor
Interfacial functional groups, compositional distribution, crystalline structures, and local
molecular orientation of functional polymer materials has been directly visualized by nanoscale
infrared spectroscopy (nano-IR), in which an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe as infrared
absorption sensor was used. Nano-IR image visualized hidden binder and adhesion process of multilayer barrier films of polyethylene-terephthalate/ polyethylene (PET/PE), and enabled the
chemical identification of phase structure of multi-component blends of polycarbonate/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (PC/ABS) including soft polybutadiene domains as small as 40 nm.
Hiromi Midorikawa, Tadashi Awatani, Michael Lo, Kevin Kjoller, Roshan Shetty, Jiping Ye