Fig. 1. Schematics of synthesis of a hybrid hydrogel and strong adhesion performance. (a) An illustration of the networks prepared by copolymerization of cationic monomers and hydrophobic monomers in DMSO solution and subsequently swelling in multivalent phosphate salt solution. The multivalent anions serve as physical cross-linking points to attract polycations in the network. (b) Picture of glass surfaces adhered to a 100 g weight of stainless steel by a p(EA-co-DAC)/STPP hydrogel. (c) Adhesion strength of the pEA, pDAC/STPP, and p(EA-co-DAC10%)/STPP hybrid hydrogels on a glass substrate, the molar fraction of DAC is 10%. (d) Scheme of the strong adhesion of the p(EA-co-DAC)/STPP hydrogel on a glass substrate: both the hydrophobic sites and electrostatic attractions contribute to the strong adhesion.
Fig. 2. (a) Synthesis of the p(EA-co-DAC10%)/STPP networks, where STPP physically cross-linked with polymer backbones through intermolecular and/or intramolecular interactions. (b) ATR-FTIR spectra of pEA, p(EA-co-DAC10%) and p(EA-co-DAC10%)/STPP hydrogels and STPP salt. (c) Donnan potential profile of p(EA-co-DAC10%)/STPP hydrogel, the reference solution is NaCl solution with a concentration of 10-5 mol/L. (d) 1D scattering intensity profiles of pEA, p(EA-co-DAC10%) and p(EA-co-DAC10%)/STPP hydrogels.
相关成果以“Modification of Hydrophobic Hydrogels into a Strongly Adhesive and Tough Hydrogel by Electrostatic Interaction” 为题发表在Macromolecules 上。论文通讯作者为中山大学化学工程与技术学院郭宏磊副教授和郭辉副教授。
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