
发布有关相变储能材料 相变蓄热材料 建筑节能材料 的技术信息和产品信息 。

The Center for Catalysis (CCAT) at Iowa State University is a research and education organization focusing on "green chemistry," which refers to environmentally benign chemical processes. These often occur at room temperatures and ordinary pressures, and use water, preferably, as a solvent. They require less expenditure of energy, occur more rapidly, and product significantly fewer unwanted byproducts than competing industrial processes.

CCAT is working to create catalysts that will enable firms to replace chemical processes that generate large volumes of hazardous pollutants. It is developing new catalysts and biocatalysts that mimic nature and is transforming laboratory-scale catalysts into industrial-scale catalysts. With this technology, the CCAT is creating new markets for agricultural commodities as raw materials for industry, thus benefiting the farm economy.

CCAT is a member of ISUs Institute for Physical Research and Technology. It draws on researchers and staff of the U.S. Department of Energys Ames Laboratory and faculty and scientists at Iowa State University.

The Center has received a $485,000 directed appropriation through the U.S. Department of Energy.

IPGRI is an international research institute with a mandate to advance the conservation and use of genetic diversity for the well-being of present and future generations. It is a Centre of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
Founded in 1974, IPGRI is the worlds
largest international institute dedicated
solely to the conservation and use of
plant genetic resources. It has a staff
of over 170, in 15 offices around the world.

The Institute is funded mainly by developed-country donor and development agencies, but also by an increasing number of less developed countries. Its budget in 1998 was US$22 million.

IPGRI concentrates on supporting the work on plant genetic resources conducted by national research and development systems in developing countries. It also has a special responsibility for bananas and plantains, and for supporting the genetic resources work of the CGIAR system.

The Department of Chemical and Process Engineering was formed in August 1996. In the short time since then they have established a thriving Department of 20 academic staff, 17 research staff and technicians, 6 support staff, more than 60 postgraduate and over 150 undergraduate students. They have purpose-built laboratories to support much of their research along with all the modern IT facilities expected in a leading research institution. Their research is internationally known and supported so that we currently have 50 research projects operating with over £4.6 M of funding from government and industrial sources in the UK, the EU and the rest of the World.

The Department of Chemistry at Sheffield University is home to about 400 undergraduate and 100 postgraduate students, which makes them one of the larger Chemistry Departments in Britain. They currently have 43 members of academic staff with a broad range of research and educational interests. Their research strengths include the centre for Analytical Sciences, the centre for Chemical Biology, the Polymer Centre and the Synthesis and Catalysis cluster. Their current research rating of 5 demonstrates research of at least national importance, with much being outstanding on the international stage.