
Here you will find links to some images and animations that illustrate the hydrogenlike atomic orbitals. These animated orbitals are the angular part of the wave functions for the discrete stationary states of a one-electron atom plotted according to the equations presented by L. Pauling and E. B. Wilson, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, pp. 133-134. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1935.



3D Periodic Table of Radii: a depiction of radii of elements and their ions as a Chime www page.

Structure Database: for Common Ions, Molecules, Complexes and Metalloproteins, 313 different structures. These are all experimental results, and are designed for viewing and study of molecular shapes and dimensions. Possible projects include comparison of measured and predicted bond lengths and bond angles, testing of VSEPR predictions, and analysis of steric influences.

可下载的教学软件(伦敦大学玛丽女王学院化学系提供) (免费)
The website provides some tutorial modules for download Queen Mary, University of London. There is free access to materials, incuding: Surface Chemistry Simulations, Introduction to Molecular Orbital Theory, Quantitative Methods in Chemistry - Tutorials/Exercises, Quantitative Methods in Chemistry - Handbook and Chemical Kinetics Tutorials.]

化学实验教学软件eLABorate, UK

The eLABorate project was funded under the Teaching and Learning Technology Programme by the four higher education funding bodies HEFCE, HEFCW, SHEFC, and DENI. The aim was to design and prepare simulations of experiments in Chemistry and Biochemistry for teaching experimental design and data handling to undergraduates. The project was a consortium of four sites:

Department of Chemistry, University of York (lead site)
Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Leeds
Department of Chemistry, University of Surrey