2016-12-19  来源:中国聚合物网

  The Eighth International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP’2017 Xi’an) will be held in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China August 8-11, 2017. Its topics will remain on polymeric materials, retaining its abbreviation EP as its logo actually over “engineering plastics” with continuous success, and keeping its tradition to act as a platform exchanging the recent progress, deep consideration and future development about polymeric materials. In addition to the basic topics for R&D of polymeric materials, this time the special focus will be on “Connecting chains from laboratory research to industrial production”. In addition a forum will be organized on “Contributing to polymer science: fundamental issues plus instrumental measurements”. The organization committee cordially invites all of you, scientists, engineers and students involving in polymer synthesis, physics, processing and materials, to attend this symposium and have face to face discussion.

  Organized by Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Xi’an Jiaotong University

  Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, China National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Polymer Division, Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)


Symposium Chairman: Jiasong He  Dujin Wang
Organizing Committee: Chairman: Mingshu Yang
Program Committee: Chairman: Jinyong Dong
Secretariat: Lan Wu, Wensheng Bu

International Advisory Committee

Christian Bailly (Belgium)
Witold Brostow (USA)
Phil Coates (UK)
Klaus Friedrich (Germany)
Jian Ping Gong (Japan)
Roger Hiron (France)
Benjamin Hsiao (USA)
Xiao Hu (Singapore)
Youliang Hu (China)
Doo Sung Lee (Korea)
Xigao Jian (China)
Jacques Joosten (The Netherlands)
Yongfang Li (China)
Peter Mallon (South Africa)
Frans H. J. Maurer (Sweden)
Alejandro Müller (Venezuela)
Helmut Münstedt (Germany)
Jinliang Qiao (China)
Jürgen Rühe (Germany)
Natalie Stingelin (UK)
Hiroshi Watanabe (Japan)
Yuzhong Wang (China)
Andrew Whittaker (Australia)
Jing-Shen Wu (China)
Mingqiu Zhang (China)
Qifeng Zhou (China)
Julian Zhu (Canada)

Scientific Topics
1. Connecting chains from laboratory research to industrial production
2. Contributing to polymer science: fundamental issues plus instrumental measurements
3. Synthesis path from catalyst to polymer
4. Emerging tools in macromolecular characterization
5. Polymer processing, complex fluids and rheology
6. Multi-phase, multi-component and multi-functional polymer systems
7. Advanced engineering plastics and thermosets
8. Polymers for biotechnology

Xinliang FENG (Germany)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Klaus FRIEDRICH (Germany)
Multifunctionality of polymer composites in tribology
Yixian WU (China)
Controlled polymerization of olefins: from fundamental research to industrial
INVITED SPEAKERS (To be completed)
Volker ALTSTAEDT (Germany)
Morphology and mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene with benzenetrisamide nucleating agents
Processing and properties of polymers and polymer-based composites: some rules and examples
Dario CAVALLO (Italy)
Nucleation of one polymorph by another in semicrystalline polymers
Chin Han CHAN (Malaysia)
Electrochemical impedance characterization of polymer electrolytes
Taihyun CHANG (Korea)
Molecular characterization of polymers
Guo-Qiang CHEN (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Quan CHEN (China)
Dynamic change and morphological evolution during ionomer-to-polyelectrolyte transition
Jinyong DONG (China)
In-reactor technologies for high-performance polyolefin materials
Jiachun FENG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Chang-Sik HA (Korea)
Functional transparent polyimides for flexible substrates
Ole HASSAGER (Denmark)
Recent advances in extensional rheology: controlled flows and fracture
Aihua HE (China)
Phase morphology and crystallization behavior of amorphous /crystalline rubber blends
Martin HEENEY (UK)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Michael HESS (Germany)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Roger HIORNS (France)
Engineering thermally stable polymers using fullerene monomer
Benjamin HSIAO (USA)
Advancing nanocellulose technologies for water purification
Wenbing HU (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Tadashi INOUE (Japan)
Rheo-optical study on reinforced rubber – effect of silica fillers
Jacques JOOSTEN (The Netherlands)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Shiao-Wei KUO (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Doo Sung LEE (Korea)
Stimuli-responsive block copolymer hydrogels for medical applications
Liangbin LI (China)
Structural evolution during processing of oriented polymer films
Zhibo LI (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Zichen LI (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Tianxi LIU (China)
Electrospun polyimide nanofiber composites
Xiao-Bing LU (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Peng-Cheng MA (China)
Three dimensional polymer nanocomposites
Gad MAROM (Israel)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Masaru MATSUO (Japan)
Importance of different evaluations concerning orientation modes between amorphous chains and crystal chains discussed in terms of intermolecular force
Yongfeng MEN (China)
Kinetics of form II to form I crystalline solid-solid phase transition in polybutene-1
Alejandro J. MüLLER (Spain)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Helmut MüNSTEDT (Germany)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Koh-hei NITTA (Japan)
Statistical aspects of ductile fracture of polypropylene solids
John OH (Canada)
ML-MSRO strategy of block copolymers for cancer therapy
Dong QIU (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Suprakas Sinha RAY (South Africa)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Highly emissive macromolecules for visible light communications
Florian J. STADLER (China)
Zdenek STARY (Czech)
Shear-induced structural changes in polymer composites followed by simultaneous
electro-rheological measurements
Tomasz STERZYNSKI (Poland)
Low content nanoadditives modified thermoplastic polymers; influence on rheology
and applications
Enabling ion flow in organic insulator: semiconductor polymer blends for
bioelectronics applications
Kumar SUDESH (Malaysia)
Polyhydroxyalkanoate-Kenaf composite – properties and biodegradation
Theo TERVOORT (Switzerland)
Effect of orientation on physical ageing in poly(l-lactic acid) films
Zhen TONG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Selective microwave processing of block copolymers: further insights using in
situ x-ray scattering
Dimitris VLASSOPOULOS (Greece)
Distinct features of polymeric entanglements, branching and associations in
transient strong flows
Xinhua WAN (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Linge WANG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Tongxin WANG (USA)
Biomimetic design of new dental materials with improved lifespan
Zuowei WANG (UK)
Understanding microscopic relaxation mechanisms of entangled branch polymers
using multiscale computer simulations
Hiroshi WATANABE (Japan)
Component relaxation in miscible blends of polyisoprene and poly(t-butyl styrene)
Andrew WHITTAKER (Australia)
Directing surface segregation in thin polymeric films
Tao XIE (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Wantai YANG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Wei YU (China)
Dynamics and rheology of polymer nanocomposites
Yanlei YU (China)
Photodeformable liquid crystal polymers and bioinspired applications
Alexey ZEZIN (Russia)
Metal polymer hybrids and nanocomposites based on interpolymer complexes:
preparation and prospects of application
Ming-Qiu ZHANG (China)
Sunlight triggered self-healing of polymer
Qiuyu ZHANG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Zhicheng ZHANG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Zhong ZHANG (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Feng ZHOU (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Jin ZHU (China)
(Accepted the invitation to EP‘2017)
Jintao ZHU (China)
Assembly of polymer/inorganic nanoparticles in confined geometry
Meifang ZHU (China)
Novel nanocomposites for functional polymer-based materials, from design,
fabrication to applications

Contributions of papers for the program of EP’2017 in any related topics are being sought. Both oral and poster presentations carry equivalent scientific status in the program. To contribute a paper, submit the title in the space provided on the Registration Form enclosed in this Brochure. Except the invited lectures, mostly other contributions will be presented as posters.
The official language of the symposium is English.
The preprints will be prepared including the summaries of invited lectures and contributed papers as well. One-page abstract is required to present a paper. Each abstract, including tables, diagrams and references, should be typed on A4 paper, typing area must not exceed 16 cm of width and 22 cm of length, using single spacing and Times New Roman font with 10 point size. The title (bold, 12-point size,
upper case), authors, affiliation and e-mail address (10-point size) should be centered. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. References should be indicated within the text and appear at the end of the abstract. All the tables and figures should be incorporated in the body of the abstract and should have individual captions. For your convenience, a format is supplied on the website
http://eplab.iccas.ac.cn/ep2017.html. Participants are invited to submit their abstracts not later than March 30, 2017. The abstracts for the preprints should be in electronic format transferred by e-mail to ep2017@iccas.ac.cn as attached files so as to reach the Secretariat. Please notice that the documents should be readable with Microsoft Word of Windows system.
The time allowed for plenary lecture, invited/keynote lecture and oral presentation including discussion will be 40, 25 and 15 minutes, respectively. The lecture venue will be equipped with a lap-top computer and a multimedia digital projector.
A 900 mm width × 1200 mm height board will be allowed for each poster presentation. The Student Poster Prize will be presented.
Please complete the Registration Form enclosed, and return it by fax or e-mail before March 30, 2017.
Registration fee
The registration fee for participants covers full scientific activities, all the printed materials of the symposium, welcome dinner, farewell dinner, morning and afternoon coffee/tea, and lunch and dinner. The registration fee for accompanying persons covers welcome dinner, farewell dinner, morning and afternoon coffee/tea, and lunch and dinner.

The symposium venue will be in Xi’an International Conference Center, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. All events at EP’2017 will be held in this hotel. The Organizing Committee has reserved the rooms at advantageous rates in this hotel. Theorganizer recommends that you stay in this hotel. To secure your accommodation,

the participants should complete the Hotel Reservation Form, and return it by e-mail to Secretariat ep2017@iccas.ac.cn before March 30, 2017.
Second Circular

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