EUREKA – MORETTO introduces innovative approach to material drying at K 2010 in Düsseldorf, Hall 11, Stand H57
Fast cost benefits with PET drying systems through low energy expenditure brings competitive advantage to moulders
MORETTO S.p.A. of Massanzago, Italy, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of auxiliary equipment for the plastics processing industry, will be unveiling new technologies, innovative business concepts and state-of-the-art equipment at K 2010 in Düsseldorf in October.
Challenging economic times require new pioneering business strategies. MORETTO offers moulders the opportunity to embark on a totally new risk-free business model called EUREKA – involving no investment up front – to achieve marked reductions in material treatment costs and, as a consequence, increased profits, improved performance and better quality.

Till now no company has had the aim to realize market solutions which allow a fast and guaranteed ROI for the customer. With the EUREKA project, MORETTO proposes not only an efficacious and reliable system, but it supplies also a financial tool able to guarantee a return of the investments with a sure date. The one proposed by MORETTO is an absolutely innovative approach because it puts the customer in a position to use a cutting-edge technology with no financial exposition and, above all, it guarantees a sure and proved ROI, without risk.
These are not marketing policies, but the EUREKA project offers a series of real and tangible opportunities for the customer, both in terms of performance and financial terms. Perceiving the customer’s need and finding the most suitable solutions is one of the key concepts in the MORETTO company policy that, as in the case of EUREKA, approaches the customer with a convinced professional ethic with the aim to solve at best the customer’s problems and strengthen the partnership.
The fully automatic high-volume modular MORETTO drying systems, combining the new X MAX dryer and the FLOWMATIK controller with the new OTX hopper, enable a throughput of up to 8,000 kg/h capacity, in combination with a modular generator of 20,000 m³/h – giving total flexibility of between three and 10 modular design dryer units and from 1 up to 32 drying hoppers, all without requiring either compressed air or cooling water. The result is faster, consistent and gentle drying of highly hygroscopic polymers – such as PET – with the benefit of a significant reduction in energy consumption. The factor separating this multi-tower system from conventional systems is the maintenance of a consistent, i.e. uniform, dew point throughout the process, thereby reaching high efficiency levels and total operating flexibility, for example in the mix of preform sizes and weights. Efficiency is never compromised – even at lower throughputs.
The innovative EUREKA project is geared to provide moulders – treating primarily PET – with an alternative and totally new business model to tackle the second highest cost, after raw material cost, i.e. energy, some 30 percent of which is attributable to drying. Offering moulders a no-risk acquisition plan, MORETTO encourages moulders to try out, and eventually own, the new equipment. Instead of either the outright purchase, lease of equipment or alternative finance options, the customer is invited to negotiate the power consumption and other operational costs of his existing equipment with the new EUREKA system. This company is offering to install the EUREKA system without formulating a purchasing contract and will merely charge a monthly fee based on the amount of energy savings, calculating the differential between the ‘old’ and the newly installed equipment. After two years, the system will have been paid for and owned outright by the customer. This will be achieved just through energy savings. If not satisfied, the system(s) can be returned to MORETTO at no extra cost to the customer. This innovative approach demonstrates the exceptional values of integrity and trust, combined with customer satisfaction, Renato Moretto, CEO of MORETTO, shows his customers. Several new technologies – all part of the EUREKA project – will be shown and demonstrated at K 2010.
The basis for the new MORETTO EUREKA project – designed to reduce energy consumption consistently and improve performance and quality – is the new multiple unit X MAX system (X MAX dryers combined with the FLOWMATIK controller and the state-of-the-art OTX hoppers), with its single desiccant bed, i.e. twice the size of conventional beds. Reduced energy consumption is achieved by the use of zeolite, a volcanic mineral, as a molecular filter. The air flow channel of the X MAX dryer is situated in the centre with the heater in the middle of the channel. With the heat exchanger also at the centre, complete recovery of regenerated energy is assured, as every Watt of energy is used in the polymer treatment.
The ‘green-factor’ labeled system with its extremely low energy consumption accommodates increasing throughputs of, for instance, PET preforms. This is particularly important as numbers of mould cavities are ever increasing. All the vital factors which influence the management and control of the drying process of numerous plastic granular materials – and PET in particular – are taken into consideration: type of material, granule size, bulk density, temperature, dew point, residence time, specific airflow, initial air moisture content, final residual moisture content in the granule, and viscosity. In a multi-dryer system, each unit, with its stand-alone air circuit and controlled by a dew point meter, can be set at the same temperature and air-flow rate, whilst simultaneously staggering the different dew points. The FLOWMATIK controller manages all relevant sequences – no simultaneous regenerating is necessary – so that the mix of process air from the dryers maintains a constant value of around -65° C.

figure 1
In figure 1 it is evident that a lower dew point value improves the final result in terms of ppm, in the same time and with the same temperature.