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2010-5-12 来源:中国聚合物网
关键词:道康宁 XIAMETER Dow Corning

Dow Corning Shanghai Moving Notice 
In order to significantly enhance and expand our innovation capabilities, improve the service to customers via a shorter innovation cycle, and address needs for customers and markets in a timely manner, Dow Corning establishes a new China Business & Technology Center in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park. This is a demonstration of our continued and long-term commitment to the China market. Dow Corning Shanghai Office and China Application Center in Songjiang will move to new China Business & Technology Center on the dates mentioned below.
All the contracts or agreement signed between your company and Dow Corning (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd. remain unchanged and effective. Dow Corning has set up a new legal entity-Dow Corning (China) Holding Co., Ltd. in Zhangjiang High-tech Park. We will have further announcement about any changes in financial, legal or sales etc. due to the new legal entity. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. Please feel free to contact your Dow Corning Representative if you have any questions. 
Effective from end of May 2010, Dow Corning Shanghai Office will move to the following address:
1077, Zhangheng Road
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park
Shanghai, P.R.C
Postal Code: 201203
Tel:  86 21 3899 5500
Fax: 86 21 5079 6567
The following existing hotline numbers will be changed to:
Dow Corning Business Center Hotline:
(Mainland Customers)      400 880 7110    remains as same
(HongKong Customers)    852 3071 2914
(Taiwan Customers)         0 800 666 703
Dow Corning Business Center Fax:
(Mainland Customers)     86 21 3899 7998
(HongKong Customers)   852 3014 8190 / 852 2835 0308
(Taiwan Customers)        886 2 6602 1433 / 886 2 6600 3154
XIAMETER®Customer Center Hotline:  86 21 3318 4995   changes to  86 21 3899 5200
XIAMETER®Customer Center Fax:      86 21 6350 9653   changes to  86 21 5079 6551
The Dow Corning China Application Center will start to move to the above address in June and we plan to finish all movement activities by the end of July; the above new telephone/fax numbers will be used then. Due to the complexity of the equipment movement, there will be various plans among the different industries, please consult your local representative to get the detail information.  

Dow Corning Shanghai
May 5, 2010

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