长期有效 | 阿拉巴马大学赵超教授课题组诚招博士后、博士生 - 聚合物、药物递送、纳米医学、有机化学、疾病治疗与组织工程
2023-03-10  来源:中国聚合物网

阿拉巴马大学化学与生物工程系赵超教授课题组 (zhaolab.ua.edu) 诚招1名博士后、2名博士生。课题组主要研究方向包括聚合物、药物递送、纳米医学、有机化学、疾病治疗与组织工程。博士后与博士生将接受赵超教授, Tony Yaksh 教授 (加州大学圣地亚哥分校),与Ursula Wesselmann教授(阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校)共同指导。主要工作地点在阿拉巴马大学, 定期到加州大学圣地亚哥分校和阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校接受相关培训。赵超教授课题组科研经费充足。自 2018 年课题组成立以来,已从 NIH/NIGMS、NIH/NINDS 和美国教育部获得多项科研经费资助。赵超教授将为课题组成员提供稳定,积极的工作环境,全力支持个人发展。

Postdoc Positions in Biomaterials and Drug Delivery

The Zhao Lab (zhaolab.ua.edu) of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Alabama is seeking one highly motivated and skilled postdoctoral candidates who have a solid background either in polymer, drug delivery, nanomedicine, organic chemistry, pain treatment, and/or tissue engineering. The successful applicants will be responsible for the study of alternative strategies and therapies for pain management. This is a highly collaborative project involving three laboratories at the University of Alabama (Chao Zhao lab), University of California San Diego (Tony Yaksh lab), and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (Ursula Wesselmann lab). Postdoctoral candidates will primarily work at the University of Alabama and will spend 3-6 months at UC San Diego for animal model training. The Zhao Lab is dedicated to polymeric biomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering, with a particular focus on the application of tetrodotoxin in pain treatment.  Since 2018, the Zhao lab has received multiple grants from NIH/NIGMS, NIH/NINDS, and the U. S. Department of Education.

? Ph.D./M.D. with a background in polymer, drug delivery, nanomedicine, organic chemistry, and/or tissue engineering.
? Individuals with experience in pain treatment will be given preference.
? Experience in animal models is preferred, but not necessary.
? Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English with good organizational and analytical abilities.
? Motivated to pursue postdoctoral training required for a future independent academic career.

$52,000 to 54,000/year + health insurance
Interested applicants should apply directly to Dr. Chao Zhao by sending a cover letter, C.V., and contact information for three references to czhao15@eng.ua.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately and the anticipated start date is in Summer, 2023.

Ph.D. Positions in Polymer and Biomaterials

The Zhao Lab (zhaolab.ua.edu) of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Alabama is seeking two Ph.D. students. The student will work within one of the following study areas:
Polymer position:
(1) Structure-property-function relationships in polymers;
(2) Dispersion, phase separation, and self-assembly of polymers;
(3) Biodegradable polymers;
(4) Responsive polymers.

Biomaterial position:
(1) Drug delivery systems for pain management;
(2) New strategies to obtain encapsulation and controlled release of water-soluble molecules;
(3) Scaffolds for tissue regeneration.

General requirement
(1)CV, transcript, TOEFL with a minimum score of 79 or above;
(2)GPA of 3.0 or above;
(3)GRE is optional;
(4)Self-motivated, pro-activated, and positive attitude.

$24,000 to 28,000/year + tuition + health insurance

Please submit your pre-application package to Dr. Chao Zhao (czhao15@eng.ua.edu) that includes a cover letter and curriculum vitae. Review of applications will begin immediately and the anticipated start date is in Sep., 2023.

