研究基底界面吸附层的结构对于深入理解纳米材料界面的物理化学行为具有重要意义。为光电材料和纳米芯片等功能性薄膜的开发提供了新的视角。研究发现聚苯乙烯(PS)在二氧化硅基底上的吸附层具有两种不同的结构,内层为Flattened吸附层,外层为loosely吸附层。聚合物链在基底表面的吸附过程中,首先在内层形成Flattened吸附链(Flattened adsorbed layer),随后聚合物链在界面剩余空位上吸附形成较为松散的loosely吸附链(loosely adsorbed layer)。然而,当聚合物与固体基底间存在较强的相互作用时,理解Flattened吸附链在固体基底上的演变机制仍然面临挑战。因此,深入探究强相互作用下的吸附链结构演变,对于推动纳米材料科学的进步具有重要的科学意义和研究价值。
Figure 1. (a) Thicknesses of the PS (Mw = 225 kDa) flattened layers (hflat) on PTS-75, PTS-85, and PTS-96 against the annealing time at 423 K. (b) The thickness hflat on PTS-96 against the annealing time at 423 K for PS with various molecular weights. (c) Density of the PS (Mw = 225 kDa) flattened layer on quartz crystals with ~96% phenyl content as a function of annealing time at 423 K obtained from QCM data.
Figure 2. (a) Normalized ssp SFG spectra of the dPS/PTS-96 interface annealed at 423 K for the indicated annealing times. Spectra are offset for clarity. The black solid lines are the fitted curves. (b) Plots of the ratio of the peak area of the π-π stacking bond to that of the stretching band of the C-D bond on the benzene ring at 2288 cm-1 vs the annealing time. The wavenumber of the peak of π-πstacking () against the annealing time is shown in the inset. (c) Schematic illustration showing the evolution of the conformation of the flattened chains during the annealing process.
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