近期,西安交通大学和玲/潘爱钊课题组针对古象牙文物临时加固和保存等问题,设计了一种仿生和增强粘合的钙基矿化水凝胶材料(Ca-gel),通过控制其组分和含量,实现了可控的凝胶时间和凝胶状态。通过荧光示踪技术研究了Ca-gel在象牙粘接界面的分布,并深入研究了其临时粘接性能,深入评估了其长效保护效果,以实现对古代象牙的真实性、完整性和连续性的临时加固和保存。Ca-gel 将有望成为临时加固和文物保护领域的重要工具。该研究成果“Calcium-Based Mineralized Hydrogels for Temporary Reinforcement and Conservation of Ancient Ivory Relics”近期发表于《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》。
Figure 1. (a) Synthesis strategy of the Ca-gel adhesive. (b) Photographs of the developed Ca-gel adhesive. SEM (c, d) and SEM-EDS mappings (d1-d4) of Ca-gel. XRD (e), FTIR (f), XPS (g), and TG (h) of Gel (without mineralization) and Ca-gel.
Figure 2. (a) Adhesive strategies for ancient ivory fracture samples (left, direct bonding method) and powderization (right, in situ bonding method). (b) FTIR spectra of untreated ivory and treated Ca-gel/ivory from the in situ bonding method. High-resolution XPS spectra of Ca 2p (c) and C (d) of ivory and Ca-gel/ivory from in situ bonding method. (e) Fluorescence tracer of the ancient ivory treated by Ca-gel-CdTe/ZnS from in situ bonding method. SEM (f, g) and SEM-EDS (g1-g4) of the powdered Ca-gel/ivory from the in-situ bonding method.
Figure 3. (a) Comparison of adhesive properties between Ca-gel and Gel, test mode diagram. (b1) Ca-gel adhesive performance test of the bonded Ca-gel/glass. (b2) Gel (without mineralization) adhesive performance test of the bonded Ca-gel/glass. (c) UVA cycles of Ca-gel/ivory from direct bonding method with standard deviation. (d) HTA cycles of Ca-gel/ivory from direct bonding method with standard deviation. (e) Schematic diagram of protection mechanism of ancient ivory by Ca-gel. (f) Fluorescence tracer technique was used to detect temporary adhesive properties and residual adhesive removal. (g) Temporary adhesive properties of Ca-gel on ancient ivory for direct bonding applications.
Figure 4. (a) Ca-gel-bonded aluminum sheets. (b) Ca-gel-bonded glass sheets. (c) Ca-gel-bonded silicon nitride ceramic sheets. (d) Ca-gel restorative adhesive ceramic bowl and its strength detection. (e) Ca-gel restorative adhesive pottery figurine and its strength detection from the direct bonding method.
西安交通大学化学学院博士生史承钰为该论文的第一作者,西安交通大学化学学院和玲教授团队的潘爱钊副教授为该论文通讯作者,该工作还得到了甘肃省敦煌文化遗产保护研究中心(敦煌研究院)牛贺强老师的支持和帮助。该研究得到了国家重点研发计划(2019YFC1520500)项目和国家自然科学基金(NSFC Grants 52172153)的资助以及西安交通大学分析测试共享中心的支持。