西南大学甘霖/黄进团队《Compos. Commun.》:一种改善折剪纸负泊松比超材料几何约束效应和形状精度的方法
2023-06-13 来源:高分子科技
负泊松比(NPR)材料是一种新型超力学材料,又称拉胀材料。当NPR材料被轴向压缩或拉伸时,它们将反常地径向收缩或膨胀。这种独特形变模式使NPR材料具有优异的抗压痕能力、抗剪切能力和能量吸收能力。主流NPR结构主要有内凹多面体结构、手性NPR结构、旋转多边形结构和折剪纸堆积结构。由于 这类结构通常形状复杂且连接方式特殊的,传统的制备方法难以精确赋形。同时,NPR结构独特的形变模式需要原材料具有足够高的几何约束性,以保障形变过程中应力传递的稳定性。
Figure1. (a) The process of 3D printing non-supporting bridge; (b) The theoretical calculation of the angle between the theoretical printing path and the actual printing path and the viscosity of TPU/CB composites; Process of printing NPR structure using TPU/CB composites with 9 wt% CB (c) and 15 wt% CB (d).
Figure2. (a–d) The difference in Poisson’s ratio value when the TWR of the NPR structure is respectively 0.2–0.5; (e) Poisson’s ratio value of NPR structure of different TWR (0.2–0.5) printed by TPU/CB composites when compression strain is 1.25%.
Figure3. (a–f) Compression simulation of von mises distribution when the printed material is TPU and TPU/CB composites; (g) Yield strength and Von mises of TPU and TPU/CB composites; (h)The application of a protective exoskeleton.
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