Zheng (Y. Zheng) (Ph. D., Professor)
Laboratory of Bio-inspired Smart Interfacial Science and Technology of Ministry
of Education, School of Chemistry, Beihang University,
Xueyuan Road 37, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, P. R. China.
E-mail: zhengym@buaa.edu.cn
Homepage: http://www.zhengyongmei.polymer.cn.
Short Biography
is a professor at School of Chemistry and Environment, Beihang University.
Research interests are focused on bioinspired surfaces with gradient micro- and
nanostructures to control dynamic wettability, and develop the surfaces with
characteristics of water repellency, anti-icing, anti-frosting, or
fog-harvesting, tiny droplet transport, water collection, fog-harvesting and so
on. Publications are more than 140 SCI papers included in Nature, Adv. Mater.,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Chem. Mater., Small, Chem.
Comm., J. Mater. Chem. A, etc., with 15 Cover stories and 47h-index (from web
of science), cited 11214 times by world top journals such as Nature, Nature Materials and
Science, etc.. Published books are included: “Bio-inspired wettability surfaces: Development in micro- and nanostructures” by Pan Standard Publishing in 2015, and “Bioinspired Design of Materials Surfaces” by Elsevier in 2019, etc.. Her work was highlight as
scientist on News of Royal Society of Chemistry, ChemistryWorld in 2014, and New Scitentist for water harvesting in 2023. She is
a senior member of Chinese Composite Materials Society (CSCM), senior member of
Chinese Chemistry Society (CCS), American Chemistry Society (ACS),
International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), International Association
of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Fellow member of NANOSMAT Society, Editorial
board member of Scientific Report in nature. She won an ISBE outstanding
contribution award in 2016 by ISBE, in Ningbo of China, and also an IAAM award
Medal in 2016 by IAAM, in Sweden, due to the notable and outstanding
contribution in field of "Advanced Materials Science and Technology".
In 2022, he was elected as a foreign full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Europaische Akademie der Natunwissenschaften, academician). Her homepage: http://www.zhengyongmei.polymer.cn.
1. 1983-1987, Department of Physics, Jilin University, and obtained the Bachelor Degree in Science.
2. 1996-2000, Department of Applied Physics, Technology of Jilin University, and obtained the Master Degree in Engineering.
3. 2000-2003, School
of Communications and Information Engineering, Jilin University, and obtained
Research Experience:
1. 1987-1993, Assistant, in the Department of Applied Physics, Technology of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin province, 100030, P. R. China.
2. 1993-1999, Lecturer, teaching the Physics course for underclassman in Technology of Jilin University.
3. 1999-2006, Associate Professor, and advisor teacher for graduate student in specialty of Optical Engineering in Technology of Jilin University.
4. 2003-2006, worked as Postdoctoral fellow in Lei Jiang’s group at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS), Beijing 100190, P. R. China.
5. 2006-2008, Associate Professor, researched at Laboratory for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, 100190 P. R. China.
6. 2008-2010, Associate Professor, worked at School of Chemistry and Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 P. R. China.
7. 2010-present, Professor, worked at School of Chemistry and Environment, Beihang University, and researched at Key Laboratory of Bio-inspired Smart Interfacial Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Beijing 100191 P. R. China.
A foreign full Member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Europaische Akademie der Natunwissenschaften (EANS) ) .
Fellow Member of An International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM).
Senior Member of a council in Chinese Composite Materials Society (CSCM).
Senior Member of Chinese Chemistry Society (CCS).
Member of American Chemistry Society (ACS).
Member of International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE)
Fellow Member of NANOSMAT Society
Editorial Board of Scientific Report in Nature publishing.
Lead Guest Editor for Special Issues “Bioinspired Functional Materials” on Journal of Nanomaterials, in Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Section Editor-in-Chief of Biomimetics: Bioinspired surfaces and interfaces. Lead Guest Editor for Special Issues “Bioinspired Surfaces and Functions” on Biomimetics.
Reviewers of publications on Nature, Nat. Chem., Nat. Commun., ACS, RSC, Wiley, etc.
An ISBE Outstanding Contribution Award for recognition of distinguished contributions in the field of bionic engineering by ISBE, in 2016.
An IAAM Award Medal for notable and outstanding research in advanced materials science & technology by IAAM, in 2016.
1. Leader, National Natural Science Most Foundation of China (Grant No. 21771015), in 2018-2021.
2. Leader, National Research Fund for Fundamental Key Project (Grant No. 2013CB933001), in 2013-2017.
3. Leader, National Natural Science Most Foundation of China (Grant No. 21234001), in 2013-2017.
4. Leader, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 21473007), in 2015-2018.
5. Leader, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of
Education of China (Grant No. 20121102110035), in 2014-2016.
International Collaborative:
2. H Honor:
3. An ISBE Outstanding Contribution Award by ISBE, in 2016.
4. An IAAM Award Medal for notable and outstanding research in advanced materials science & technology by IAAM, in 2016.
Research interests:
from biology, aim at revealing the biological micro-/nanostructure effect on
controlling of wettability. Investigation on bioinspired surfaces with unique gradient
micro-/nano-structure, be focused on wetting features that are
arise by the inspiration including lotus effect, self-cleaning and water collection
on natural biological surfaces such as lotus leaf, butterfly wing, spider silk
etc, and also proposed the wetting mechanism in conjunction with
micro-/nano-structure effect in viewpoint of chemistry and physics, preparing
artificial functional surfaces by various techniques and methods and mimicking
the unique effects resulted from micro-/nanostructure including the anisotropic
structure, studying the
ultra-superhydrophobic surfaces contributes for anti-icing, anti-frosting,
water-repellent functions, designing the surface with gradient
micro-/nanostructures severs for the controlling of fluidic transport and so
Cover story:

1. Bioinspired Design of Materials Surfaces. Y. Zheng*. Elsevier. (ISBN 9780128148433). August 9, 2019, 0-338.
2. Bio-inspired Wettability Surfaces: Developments in Micro- and Nanostructures. Y. Zheng*. Pan Stanford Publishing. (ISBN 9789814463607/9789814463614. June 16, 2015, 0-216.
3. (Chapter), Biological Surface: Lotus Leaves and Butterfly Wings, Self-cleaning coating-Structure, Fabrication and Application in RSC smart materials. C. Song, Y. Zheng*. 2016.
Papers (years from 2007 to 2023):
1. Robust Photothermal Icephobic Surface with Mechanical Durability of Multi-bioinspired Structures. M. Zhou, L. Zhang, L. Zhong, M. Chen, L. Zhu, T. Zhang, X.g Han, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. 2023,230532. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202305322.
2. Highly Efficient Photothermal Icephobic/de-Icing MOF-Based Micro and Nanostructured Surface. L. Zhang, B. Luo, K. Fu, C. Gao, X. Han, M. Zhou, T. Zhang, L. Zhong, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Sci. 2023, 2304187.
3. A UV-Resistant Heterogeneous Wettability-Patterned Surface. C. Gao, L. Zhang, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. 2023, 2304080.
4. Bioinspired Robust Helical-Groove Spindle-Knot Microfibers for Large-Scale Water Collection. S. Wang, L. Zhu, D. Yu, X. Han, L. Zhong, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2305244.
5. Efficient Atmospheric Water Harvesting of Superhydrophilic Photothermic Nanocapsule. X. Han, L. Zhong, L. Zhang, L. Zhu, M. Zhou, S. Wang, D. Yu, H. Chen, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*. Small 2023, 2303358.
6. Special fog harvesting mode on bioinspired hydrophilic dual-thread spider silk fiber. J. Huan, M. Chen, Y. Hou* , Y. Zheng *. Chemical Engineering Journal 473 (2023) 145174.
7. Integrative Bioinspired Surface with Annular Pattern and Three Dimension Wettable Gradient for Enhancement of Fog Collection. X. Geng, Y. Xing, J. Huan, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 10, 2201978.
8. Liquid Confine-Induced Gradient-Janus Wires for Droplet Self-Propelling Performances in High Efficiency. L. Zhong, H. Chen, L. Zhu, M. Zhou, L. Zhang, S. Wang,. X. Han, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 2208117.
9. Robust photothermal superhydrophobic coatings with dual-size micro/nano structure enhance anti-/de-icing and chemical resistance properties. L. Zhang, C. Gao, L. Zhong, L. Zhu, H. Chen, Y. Hou, Y. Zheng*, Chemical Engineering Journal 446 (2022) 137461.
10. Excellent dual-photothermal freshwater collector with high performance in large-scale evaporation. L. Zhu , J. Li, L. Zhong, L. Zhang, M. Zhou, H. Chen, Y. Hou, Y. Zheng*, Nano Energy 100 (2022) 107441.
11. High efficient fog-water harvesting via spontaneous swallowing mechanism. Y. Liu, H. Zhai, X. Li, N. Yang, Z. Guo, L. Zhu, C. Gao, Y. Hou, Y. Zheng*. Nano Energy 96 (2022) 107076.
12. Underwater Fast Bubble Generating on Pitaya Thorn and Enhanced Biomimetic Gas Collection. L. Zhong, H. Chen, L. Zhu, L. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Hou, and Y. Zheng*, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 2200274.
13. Electromigration-triggered programmable droplet spreading. S. Feng, Q. Wang, Y. Xing, Y. He, X. Geng, Y. Hou,* Y. Zheng*. Chemical Engineering Journal 423 (2021) 130281.
14. Recent advances in biomimetic fog harvesting: focusing on higher efficiency and large-scale fabrication. L. Zhong, L. Zhu, J. Li, W. Pei, H. Chen, S. Wang, Aamir Razaa, Assad Khan, Y. Hou* and Y. Zheng*. Mol. Syst. Des. Eng. 6 (2021), 986.
15. Enhanced Fog Harvesting through Capillary-Assisted Rapid Transport of Droplet Confined in the Given Microchannel. Q. Wang, Y. He, X. Geng, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (2021) 48292.
16. Excellent fog harvesting performance of liquid-infused nano-textured 3D frame. W. Pei, J. Li, Z. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Gao, L. Zhong, S. Wang, Y. Hou, Y. Zheng *. Chemical Engineering Journal 409 (2021) 128180.
17. Elastic Microstaggered Porous Superhydrophilic Framework as a Robust Fogwater Harvester. J. Li, C. Gao, W. Pei, Z. Guo, L. Zhong, Y. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. ACS Applied Mater Interfaces. 2020, 12(42), 48049-48056.
18. Bioinspired Nanofibrils-Humped Fibers with Strong Capillary Channels for Fog Capture. Y. Liu, N. Yang, C. Gao, X. Li, Z. Guo, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. ACS Applied Mater Interfaces. 2020, 12(25), 28876-28884.
19. Fog Collection on a Bio-inspired Topological Alloy Net with Micro-/Nanostructures. J. Li, C. Gao, W. Pei, Z. Guo, L. Zhong, Y. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. ACS Applied Mater Interfaces. 2020, 12(4), 5065-5072.
20. Water Harvesting of Bioinspired Microfibers with Rough Spindle-knots from Microfluidics. Y. Liu, N. Yang, X. Li, J. Li, W. Pei, Y. Xu, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. Small 2020, 16(9), 1901819.
21. Droplet Manipulation: Magically Cut Apart Microdroplet by Smart Nanofibrils Wire. M. Zhang, J. Li, W. Pei, Y. Liu, L. Zhong, S. Wang, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater Interfaces. 2020, 7(10), 2000161.
22. Continuous Directional Water Transport on Integrating Tapered Surfaces. S. Feng, Q. Wang, Y. Xing, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. Adv Mater Interfaces. 2020 7(9), 2000081.
23. Droplet Self-Propeling Control on Bioinspired Fiber in Low Temperature and High Humidity Environment. Y. Hou,* Y. Xing, S. Feng, C. Gao, H. Zhou, and Y. Zheng*. Adv Mater Interfaces. 2020, 7(2),1901183.
24. Extremely Ice-Detached Array of Pine Needle-Inspired Concave-Cone Pillars. Z. Guo, B. Peng, Y. Liu, J. Li, W. Pei, Q. Li,* and Y. Zheng*. Adv Mater Interfaces. 2020, 7(2), 1901714.
25. Fog Harvesting of a Bioinspired Nanocone-Decorated 3D Fiber Network. C. Li, Y. Liu, C. Gao, X. Li, Y. Xing, and Y. Zheng*. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 4507?4513.
26. Integrative Bioinspired Surface with Wettable Patterns and Gradient for Enhancement of Fog Collection. Y. Xing, W. Shang, Q. Wang, S. Feng, Y. Hou,* and Y. Zheng*. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 10951?10958.
27. Anti-icing Properties of Bioinspired Liquid-Infused Double-Layer Surface with Internal Wetting Transport Ability. Z. Guo, C. Gao, J. Li, Y. Liu, and Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 1900244.
28. Droplets Manipulated on Photothermal Organogel Surfaces. C. Gao, L. Wang, Y. Lin, J. Li, Y. Liu, X. Li, S. Feng, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 1803072.
29. Magnetically Induced Low Adhesive Direction of Nano/ Micropillar Arrays for Microdroplet Transport. Y. Lin, Z. Hu, M. Zhang, T. Xu, S. Feng, L. Jiang, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 1800163.
30. Excellent Fog-Droplets Collector via Integrative Janus Membrane and Conical Spine with Micro/Nanostructures. H. Zhou, M. Zhang, C. Li, C. Gao, Y. Zheng*. Small 2018, 1801335.
31. Multilevel Nanoparticles Coatings with Excellent Liquid Repellency. L. Zhou, S. Yin, Z. Guo, N. Yang, J. Li, M. Zhang, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 1800405.
32. Directional Droplet Spreading Transport Controlled on Tilt-Angle Pillar Arrays. Y. Lin, Z. Hu, C. Gao, Z. Guo, C. Li, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 1800962.
33. An Integrative Mesh with Dual Wettable On–Off Switch of Water/Oil. S. Feng, Y. Xing, S. Deng, W. Shang, D. Li, M. Zhang, Y. Hou,* Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1701193.
34. Self-propelled droplet movement on micro/nano anisotropic structures surface. D. Li, Y, Zheng*, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES (高等学校化学学报). 2018, 39, 109-114.
35. Directional bounce of droplets on oblique two-tiers conical structures. D. Li,S. Feng, Y. Xing, S. Deng, H. Zhou, Y. Zheng*. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 35771-35775.
36. One-step fabricated wettable gradient surface for controlled directional underwater oil-droplet transport. W. Shang, S. Deng, S. Feng, Y. Xing, Y. Hou, Y. Zheng*, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 7885-7889.
37. Controlled droplet transport to target on a high adhesion surface with multi-gradients. S. Deng, W. Shang, S. Feng, S. Zhu, Y. Xing, D. Li, Y. Hou*, Y. Zheng*. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7,45687.
38. Robust Electrical Uni-directional De-icing Surface with Liquid Metal (Ga90In10) and ZnO Nano-Petal Composite Coatings. M. Zhang, S. Zhan, Z. He, J. Lu, H. Gui, J. Liu,*, Y. Zheng*, L. Wang*. Journal of Materials & Design. 2017,126, 291-296.
39. Controlled transportation of droplets and higher fog collection efficiency on a multi-scale and multi-gradient copper wire. Y. Xing, S. Wang, S. Feng, W. Shang, S. Deng, L. Wang, Y. Hou*, Y. Zheng,*. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 29606-29610.
40. Robust superhydrophobic coatings with micro-and nano-composite morphology. J. Li, L. Zhou, N. Yang, C. Gao, Y. Zheng*, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 44234-44238.
41. A strategy of anti-fogging: air-trapped hollow microspheres-nanocomposites. M. Zhang, L. Wang, S. Feng, Y. Zheng*, Chem. Mater., 2017, 29 (7), 2899–2905.
42. Robust Anti-Icing Performance of a Flexible Superhydrophobic Surface. L. Wang, Q. Gong, S. Zhan, L. Jiang, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 7729–7735.
43. High-Efficiency Fog Collector: Water Unidirectional Transport on Heterogeneous Rough Conical Wires. T. Xu, Y. Lin, M. Zhang, W. Shi, Y. Zheng*. ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 10681?10688.
44. Manipulation on Wettable Gradient Surfaces with Micro-/Nano-Hierarchical Structure. Y. Hou, S. Feng, L. Dai*, Y. Zheng*. Chem. Mater. 2016, 28, 3625–3629.
45. Magnetic-guided directional rebound of droplet on a superhydrophobic flexible needle surface. L. Wang, C. Gao, Y. Hou*, Y. Zheng*, L. Jiang., J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 2016, 4, 18289-18293.
46. Orientation-Induced Effects of Water Harvesting on Humps-on-Strings of Bioinspired Fibers. Y. Chen, D. Li, T. Wang, Y. Zheng*. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 19978.
47. Lotus effect in wetting and self-cleaning. M. Zhang, S. Feng, L. Wang, Y. Zheng*. Biotribology 2016, 5, 31–43.
48. Bioinspired Structure Materials to Control Water-collecting Properties. M. Zhang, Y. Zheng*. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2016, 3, 696-702.
49. Coalesced-droplet transport to apex of magnetic-responsive cone spine array. L. Wang, M. Zhang, C. Gao, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600145.
50. Highly Efficient Fog Collection Unit by Integrating Artificial Spider Silks. H. Dong , Y. Zheng , N. Wang*, H. Bai , L. Wang , J. Wu , Y. Zhao*, L. Jiang. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 3, 1500831.
51. Simultaneous synthesis/assembly of anisotropic cake-shaped porphyrin particles toward colloidal microcrystals. T. Wang, M. Kuang, F. Jin, J. Cai, L. Shi, Y. Zheng, J. Wang* & L. Jiang. Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 3619-3622.
52. Unique Necklace-Like Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Nanofi bers: Scalable Templating Synthesis, Casting Films, and Their Superhydrophobic Property. X. Wang , M. Zhang , R. Kou , L. Lu , Y. Zhao , X. Xu , G. Liu , Y. Zheng , & S. Yu*. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016, 26, 5086–5092.
53. Spider silk and bioinspired silk on wettability. L. Zhao, Y. Zheng*, Current Bionanotechnology, 2015. 1, 18-31.
54. Controlling droplet transport to target on a gradient adhesion surface. S. Feng, S. Wang, Y. Zheng*, Y. Hou,*. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 6010 – 6013.
55. Controlling of water collection ability by elasticity bioinspired fiber. S. Wang, S. Feng, Y. Hou,* Y. Zheng,*. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2015, 36, 459?464.
56. Bio-inspired Artificial Cilia with Magnetic Dynamic Properties. L. Sun, Y. Zheng*. Front. Mater. Sci. 2015, 9,178-184.
57. Radial Wettability Gradient of Hot Surface to Control Droplets Movement in Directions. S. Feng, S. Wang, Y. Tao, W. Shang, S. Deng, Y. Hou,* Y. Zheng*. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 10067.
58. Driving of Droplet on Nano-Gradient Microhump Surface in Low-Temperature and High-Humidity Environment. L. Wang, W. Shi, M. Zhang, S. Feng, Y. Hou, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 1500040.
59. Dynamic Magnetic Responsive Wall Array with Droplet Shedding-off Properties. L. Wang, M. Zhang, W. Shi, Y. Hou, C. Liu, S. Feng, Z. Guo, Y. Zheng*. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 11209.
60. Controlled smart anisotropy unidirectional spreading of droplet on fibrous surface. M. Zhang, L. Wang, Y. Hou, S. Feng, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 5057–5062.
61. Wet-Induced Fabrication of Heterogeneous Hump-on-String Fibers. C. Song, R. Du & Y. Zheng*. Materials 2015, 8, 4249-4257.
62. Excellent Anti-icing Abilities of Optimal Micro-pillars Arrays with Nano-hairs. W. Shi, L. Wang, Z. Guo, Y. Zheng*. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 2, 1500352.
63. Adhesion-Free Property on Low-Temperature Deformed Micro-Ratchet with Nano-Hairs. L. Wang, Y. Hou, M. Zhang, Z. Guo, W. Shi, & Y. Zheng*. Chem. J. Chinese U. 2015,36,1548-1552.
64. Excellent bead-on-string silkworm silk fiber for drop-capturing ability. Y. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Xue, Y. Zheng*. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 1230-1234.
65. Strong anti-ice ability as nano-hairs over micro-ratchet structures. P. Guo, M. Wen, L. Wang, Y. Zheng*. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 3917-3920. (Front Cover)
66. Wetting-controlled Strategies: from Theories to Bio-inspiration. C. Song, Y. Zheng*. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2014, 427, 2-14 (Cover).
67. Bioinspired One-Dimensional Materials for Directional Liquid Transport. J. Ju, Y. Zheng, L. Jiang*. Account Chem Res. 2014, 47 (8), 2342–2352.
68. Water Collection Abilities of Green Bristlegrass Bristle. Yan Xue, Ting Wang, Weiwei Shi, Leilei Sun and Y. Zheng*. RSC Adv. 2014, 4 (77), 40837-40840.
69. Ice-phobic gummed tape with nano-cones-on-microspheres. L. Wang, P. Guo, M. Wen, L. Jiang, Y. Zheng*. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 3312-3316.
70. Asymmetric ratchet effect for directional transport of fog drops on static and dynamic butterfly wings. C. Liu, J. Ju, Y. Zheng*, L. Jiang*. ACS Nano 2014, 8, 1321-3129.
71. Superhydrophobic to icephobic properties of micro-/nanostructure composite surfaces. M. Wen, Y. Zheng*. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE, 2014, 35, 1011-1015.
72. Anti-fogging and icing-delay properties on composite micro- and nanostructured surfaces. M. Wen, L. Wang, M. Zhang, L. Jiang, Y. Zheng*. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 3963-3968.
73. Directional size-directed droplet target transport on bioinspired gradient fiber. Y. Xue, Y. Chen, T. Wang, L. Jiang, Y. Zheng*. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2014, 2 (20), 7156-7160. (Back Cover)
74. Bioinspired wet-assembly fibers: from nanofragments to microhumps on string in mist. C. Song, L. Zhao, W. Zhou, M. Zhang Y. Zheng*. J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 9465-9468.
75. Controlled directional water droplet spreading on high adhesion surface. S. Feng, S. Wang, L. Gao, G. Li, Y. Hou,* Y. Zheng*. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 6163–6167.
76. Efficient Water Collection on Integrative Bioinspired Surfaces with Star-Shaped Wettability Patterns. H. Bai, L. Wang, J. Ju, R. Sun, Y. Zheng*, L. Jiang. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 5025-5030.
77. Bioinspired One-Dimensional Materials for Directional Liquid Transport. J. Ju, Y. Zheng, L. Jiang. Account Chem. Res. 2014, 47 (8), 2342–2352.
78. Directional Drop Transport Achieved on High-Temperature Anisotropic Wetting Surface. C. Liu, J. Ju, J. Ma*, Y. Zheng* and L. Jiang*. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 6086-6091.
79. Bioinspired heterostructured bead-on-string fibers via controlling wet-assembly of nanoparticles. L. Zhao, C. Song, M. Zhang, Y. Zheng*, Chem. Commun. 2014, 26, 6086-6091.
80. Temperature-triggered directional motion of tiny water droplets on bioinspired fibers in humidity. Y. Hou, L. Gao, S. Feng, Y. Chen, Y. Xue, L. Jiang & Y. Zheng*. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 5253-5257. (Back cover)
81. Bioinspired Micro-/Nanostructure Fibers with Water-collecting Properties. Y. Chen, Y. Zheng*. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 7703-7714.
82. Water-assisted fabrication of porous bead-on-string fibers. S. Feng, Y. Hou*, Y. Chen, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang. J. Mater. Chem. A 2013, 1, 8363-8366.
83. Photo-controlled Water Gathering on Bio-inspired Fibers. S. Feng, Y. Hou,* Y. Xue, L. Gao,* L. Jiang & Y. Zheng*. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 9294-9297.
84. Icephobic / anti-icing properties of micro- / nanostructured surfaces. P. Guo, Y. Zheng*, M. Wen, C. Song, Y. Lin & L. Jiang. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 2642-2648.
85. Functional fibers with unique wettability inspired by spider silks. H. Bai, J. Ju, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang*. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 2786-2791. (Inside Front Cover)
86. Influence of cuticle nanostructuring on the wetting behaviour/states on cicada wings. M. Sun, A. Liang*, G. S. Watson, J. A. Watson, Y. Zheng*, J. Ju, & L. Jiang. PLoS ONE 2012, 7, e35056.
87. Multi-structure and multi-function integrated fog collection system of cactus. J. Ju, H. Bai, Y. Zheng, T. Zhao, R. Fang & L. Jiang*. Nat. Commun. 2012. 3:1247 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2253
88. Condensed-drop Repellency of Butterfly Wings with Biological Photonic Crystals. H. Mei, D. Luo, J. Wang, Y. Zheng*. Chem. J. Chinese U. 2012, 33(03): 575-579.
89. Controlling water capture of bio-inspired fibers with hump structures. X. Tian, Y. Chen, Y. Zheng*, H. Bai, & L. Jiang*. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 5486-5491. (Cover story, Highlight by RSC)
90. Large-scale fabrication of bioinspired fibers for directional water collection. H. Bai, R. Sun, J. Ju, X. Yao, Y. Zheng,* & L. Jiang*. Small 2011, 7, 3429-3433. (frontispiece, Highlight by RSC)
91. Controlled fabrication and water collection ability of bioinspired artificial spider silks. H. Bai, J. Ju, R. Sun, Y. Chen, Y. Zheng,* & L. Jiang*. Adv. Mater. 2011, 23, 3708-3711. (Cover story)
92. Bio-inspired heterostructured fibers with bead-on-string to respond the environmental wetting. X. Tian, H. Bai, Y. Zheng*, & L. Jiang. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 1398-1402. (Back cover story)
93. Moth Wing Scales Slightly Increase the Absorbance of Bat Echolocation Calls. J. Zeng, N. Xiang, L. Jiang, G. Jones, Y. Zheng, B. Liu, S. Zhang. PLOS ONE. 2011, 6, e27190.
94. A study of the anti-reflection efficiency of natural nano-arrays of varying sizes. M. Sun, A. Liang*, Y. Zheng, G. Watson, J. Watson, BIOINSPIRATION & BIOMIMETICS. 2011, 6, 026003.
95. Organic Nanowire Crystals Combine Excellent Device Performance and Mechanical Flexibility. Q. Tang, Y. Tong, Y. Zheng, Y. He, J. Zhang, H. Dong, W. Hu*, T. Hassenkam, T. Bjornholm. Small 2011, 7, 189-193.
96. Directional shedding-off of water on natural/bio-mimetic taper-ratchet array surfaces. P. Guo, Y. Zheng*, C. Liu & L. Jiang. Soft Matter 2012, 8, 1770-1775.
97. Water collection behavior and hanging ability of bioinspired fiber. Y. Hou, Y. Chen, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang*. Langmuir 2012, 28, 4737-4743.
98. Stronger water hanging ability and higher water collection efficiency of bioinspired fiber with multi-gradient and multi-scale spindle knots. Y. Hou, Y. Chen, Y. Xue, L. Wang, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang*. Soft Matter 2012, 8, 11236-11239.
99. Multi-structure and multi-function integrated fog collection system of cactus.J. Ju, H. Bai, Y. Zheng, T. Zhao, R. Fang & L. Jiang*. Nat. Commun. 2012, 3, 1247.
100. Bioinspired spindle-knotted fibers with a strong water-collecting ability from humid environment. Y. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Xue, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang. Soft Matter 2012, 8, 11450-11454.
101. Condensed-drop repellency of butterfly wings with biological photonic crystals. H. Mei, D. Luo, J. Wang, & Y. Zheng*, Chem. J. Chinese U. 2012, 33, 575-579.
102. Multi-level Micro-/Nanostructures of Butterfly Wing Adapt Low Temperature to Water Repellency. H. Mei, D. Luo, P. Guo, C. Song, C. Liu, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang. Soft Matter 2011, 7, 10569-10573.
103. Capillary adhesion of wetted cribellate spider capture silks for larger pearly hanging-drops. Z. Huang, Y. Chen, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang. Soft Matter 2011, 7, 9468–9473.
104. A study of the anti-reflection efficiency of natural nano-arrays of varying sizes. M. Sun, A. Liang*, Y. Zheng*, G. S. Watson & J. A. Watson. Bioinsp. Biomim. 2011, 6, 026003.
105. Janus interface materials: superhydrophobic air/solid interface and superoleophobic water/solid interface inspired by a lotus leaf. Q. Cheng, M. Li, Y. Zheng, B. Su, S. Wang & L. Jiang. Soft Matter 2011, 7, 5948-5951
106. Organic nanowire crystals combine excellent device performance and mechanical flexibility. Q. Tang, Y. Tong, Y. Zheng, Y. He, Y. Zhang, H. Dong, W. Hu, T. Hassenkam, T. Bj?rnholm. Small 2011, 7, 189-193.
107. Moth wing scales slightly increase the absorbance of bat echolocation calls. J. Zeng, N. Xiang, L. Jiang, G. Jones, Y. Zheng, B. Liu, S. Zhang*. PLoS ONE 2011, 6, e27190.
108. Bioinspired electrospun knotted microfibers for fog harvesting. H. Dong, N. Wang, L. Wang, H. Bai, J. Wu, Y. Zheng, Y. Zhao*, L. Jiang*. ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 1153-1156.
109. Direction-dependent adhesion of water strider’s legs for water-walking. L. Xu, X. Yao, Y. Zheng*. Solid State Sci. 2012, 14, 1146-1151.
110. Bioinspired super-antiwetting interfaces with special liquid-solid adhesion. M. Liu, Y. Zheng, J. Zhai & L. Jiang*. Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 368-377.
111. Effects of Chemical Composition and Nano-structures on the Wetting Behaviour of Lotus Leaves. J. Wang, K. Wang, Y. Zheng, L. Jiang. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE. 2010, 31, 1596-1599.
112. Bioinspired fabrication of functional polymer photonic crystals. Y. Zhang, Z, Li, Y. Zheng, J. Wang*. AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES IN CHINA. 2010, 9, 1253-1261.
113. The structural color of red rose petals and their duplicates. L. Feng, Y. Zhang, M. Li, Y. Zheng, W. Shen & L. Jiang. Langmuir 2010, 26(18), 14885-14888.
114. Directional water collection on wetted spider silk. Y. Zheng, H. Bai, Z. Huang, X. Tian, F. –Q. Nie, Y. Zhao, J. Zhai & L. Jiang*. Nature 2010, 463, 640?643. (Cover story, Highlight by Nature, BBC, RSC et al)
115. Direction controlled driving of tiny water drops on bio-inspired artificial spider silks. H. Bai, X. Tian, Y. Zheng*, J. Ju & L. Jiang*. Adv. Matter. 2010, 22, 5521-5525. (Cover story, Highlight by Nature, NPG Asia-materials).
116. Ratchet-induced anisotropic behavior of superparamagnetic microdroplet. J. Zhang, J. Cheng, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 94,144104.
117. Wetting properties on nanostructured surfaces of cicada wings. M. Sun, G. S. Watson, Y. Zheng, J. A. Watson, & A. Liang. J. Exp. Biol. 2009, 212: 3148-3155.
118. Extreme “water repellency” on strong water-spreading surface without tilted degree actuation. Y. Zheng*, L. Jiang, J. Wang & D. Han. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93, 094107.
119. How does the leaf margin make the lotus surface dry as the lotus leaf floats on water? J. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Zhao, L. Xu, X. Gao, Y. Zheng* & Lei Jiang*. Soft Matter 2008, 4, 2232-2237. (Highlight by RSC)
120. Colorful humidity sensitive photonic crystal hydrogel. E. Tian, J. Wang*, Y. Zheng, Y. Song*, L. Jiang, D. Zhu. J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 1116-1122.
121. In situ investigation on dynamic suspending of micro-droplet on lotus leaf and gradient of wettable micro- and nanostructure from water condensation. Y. Zheng*, D. Han, J. Zhai & L. Jiang. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, 084106.
122. Bubble Transfer Effect of Superhydrophobic Mesh Structure in Water. J. Wang, Y. Zheng, L. Jiang*. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE. 2008. 29, 2484-2488.
123. Investigation on microstructure and wettability of mosquito's body surface. Y. Yao, X. Yao, Z. Li, H. Zhu, Y. Zheng*. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE. 2008, 29, 1826-1828.
124. Characteristics of echolocating bats' auditory stereocilia length, compared with other mammals. Y. Qian, J. Zeng, Y. Zheng, J. Latham, B. Liang, L. Jiang, S. Zhang*. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES. 2007, 50, 492-496.
125. Directional adhesion of superhydrophobic butterfly wings. Y. Zheng, X. Gao & L. Jiang. Soft Matter 2007, 3, 178-182. (Cover story, Highlighted by RSC).
1. The 15th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Intelligent Electrophotonic Materials & Molecular Electronics. Oral presentation & Section chair. Sep. 4-5, 2010, BUAA, Beijing, China.
2. The Xiangshan Science Conference on Biomimetic Materials and Devices (biomimetic materials and devices: structure, dynamics and function). 17-19, Oct, 2011, BUAA, Beijing, China.
3. The France-china symposium on advanced materials. Oral presentation. 5-7, Jan, 2012, BUAA, Beijing, China.
4. The 12th Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Synthesis (CSSCIS–2012). Invited presentation. 27-30, Jun, 2012, Qingdao, China
5. The Asian Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (AsiaNANO2012). Invited presentation. 7-10, Sep., 2012, LiJiang, China.
6. The International Symposium on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices 2012 (ISNN-2012). Oral presentation & Section chair. 12-15, Sep., 2012, Suzhou, China.
7. The Second International Conference on Small Science (ICSS 2012). Invited presentation. 16-19 Dec. 2012, Orland Florida, USA.
8. The Third International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and, Nanomaterials (HYMA 2013). Oral or Poster presentation. 3-7 Mar. 2013, Sorrento, Italy.
9. The 3rd International Colloids Conference - Colloids and Energy (COLL). Poster presentation. April 21-24, 2013, Xiamen, China.
10. The ChinaNano 2013. Oral presentation. Sep. 5-7, 2013, Beijing, China.
11. The BIT’s 3rd Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T 2013. Invited presentation. Sep. 26-28, 2013. Xian, China.
12. The 4th Trilateral Conference on Advances in Nanoscience. Invited presentation. Dec. 4-7, 2013, Singapore.
13. The 2nd International Conference on BioTribology, Oral presentation, May, 11-14, 2014, Toronto, Canada.
14. The International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (EST2014). Oral presentation. Jun. 9-13, 2014, Houston, Texas, USA.
15. The TechConnect World 2014 (Nanotech, Microtech, Biotech, Cleantech). Oral presentation. Jun. 15-19, 2014, Washington, DC, USA.
16. The theme of Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology (EMN). Invited presentation. “Bio-Inspired Multi-gradient Surface Materials for Water Collection”. Sep. 21-25, 2014. Chengdu, China.
17. The Third International Conference on Energy and Environment-Related Nanotechnology (ICEEN 2014). Invited presentation. Oct 24-27, 2014, Beijing, China.
18. The BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology. Invited presentation. Oct, 29-31, 2014. Qingdao, China.
19. The International Conference on Small Science (ICSS 2014). Invited presentation. Dec, 8-11, 2014, Hong Kong, China.
20. The Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials(HYMA 2015), Poster presentation, March 9-13 2015, in Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain.
21. The 1st Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2015 (WCSM-2015), with the theme “Co-creating Dream of Smartness”, Session 1002: Functional fiber materials. Invited presentation. March 23-25, 2015, Busan, Republic of Korea
22. The 4th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-2015 (WCAM-2015). Invited presentation. May 27-29, 2015.
23. The International Conference and Expo on Smart Materials & Structures (Smart Materials -2015), invited as organizing committee, and Invited presentation. June 15-17, 2015, Los Angeles, USA.
24. The International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials. Oral presentation. June 29th, to July 3rd, 2015. Stony Brook University, Long Island, NY, USA.
25. The 1st International Conference on Applied Surface Science. Oral presentation. July 27-30, 2015, Shanghai, China.
26. The Advanced Materials World Congress. Invited presentation. August 23-26, 2015. Sweden.
27. The 5th Annual World Congress of Nano Science and Technology-2015 (Nano S&T-2015), Theme of “Small Size, Big World”. Invited presentation. September 24-26, 2015, in Xi’an, China.
28. International Symposium on Bioinspired Interfacial Materials with superwettability” (iBIMS-2016). Invited presentation. January, 9-12, 2016, in Shanghai, China.
29. The First Middle-Eastern Materials Science Conference. Invited presentation. March, 22–23, 2016, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, New York University.
30. SMILE-2016 International Conference on Bio-Inspired Materials. Invited presentation, April 6-8, 2016, IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France.
31. 3rd NANOSMAT-USA. Invited Speaker. May, 18-20, 2016. University of Texas at Arlington, USA.
32. 2016 globe conference on polymer & composite materials. Invited presentation. May, 20-23, 2016. Hangzhou, China.
33. Nanotech France 2016, keynote presentation, June 1-3, 2016, Paris, France
34. 5th International Conference Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems, June 5-9, 2016, Perugia, Italy.
35. 5th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering (Materials Congress-2016), Invited presentation, June 13-15, 2016, Alicante, Spain.
36. The 5th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (Invited speaker), June 21-24, 2016, Ningbo at the University of Nottingham Ningbo (UNNC) campus.
37. The 7th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Invited presentation, July, 24-29, 2016. Wroc?aw, Poland.
38. European Advanced Materials. Invited presentation, 23-25 August 2016, Sweden.
39. International Conference and Exhibition on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials and nanotechnology, October, 12-14, 2016, Baltimore, USA.
40. 3rd International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials, Invited Speaker, October 16-19, 2016, Nice, France.
41. Global Congress & Expo on Materials Science & Nanoscience Materials Science-2016, Invited speaker, October, 24-26, 2016, Dubai.
42. World Congress on Materials Science & Polymer Engineering (Keynote presentation, Organizing Committee Member for Materials Science-2016), Nov. 28-30, 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
43. American Advanced Materials Congress, Invited speaker, Dec, 4-9, 2016, Miami, USA.
44. 2017 International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces. Invited speaker. June 26-29 2017. G?teborg, Sweden.
45. the 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics2017). Invited speaker, 25 to 28 July 2017, in Singapore.
46. the 644. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Bio-inspired, Nano- and Microstructured Surfaces: New Functionality by Material and Structure”, Invited Speaker. 29 – 31 May, 2017. In Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany.
47. 20th International Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology. Keynote Speaker. September 11-12, 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherland.
48. 2018 MRS Spring Meeting of the MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY. Invited Speaker. April 2-6, 2018 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
49. the 4th International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry and Materials. Keynote Speaker. 14-17 October 2018. In Nice, France.
50. Shape Memory Applications, Research and Technology SMART 2018. Keynote Speaker. 5-9 December 2018. Hong Kong.
51. The Silver Jubilee Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress (AFMC 2019). Keynote, Speaker. 24 -27 March 2019. Stockholm, Sweden.
52. NANO Boston Conference (NWC Boston 2019), Invited Speaker. April 22-24, 2019, Boston, USA.
53. The 2 nd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. Oral speaker. May 16-17, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
54. First International Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE). Invited speaker. June 12- 14, 2019, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
55. the 2019 TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo. Oral Speaker, June 17-19, 2019, at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
56. Annual Congress on Smart Materials 2019. Oral Speaker, July 08-10, 2019 at Prague, Czech Republic.
57. Celebration of 5 th anniversary of the AFM conference. Invited Speaker. July 22-24, 2019, the conference at George Washington University, DC.
58. Nanotech Forum 2019 with the theme “Nanotechnology-The science of miniature scale”. Keynote, Speaker. July 17-18, 2019 Zurich, Switzerland.
59. International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials in UCLA (AAAFM-UCLA). Invited Speaker. Aug 19-22, 2019, at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
60. Nature-Inspired Engineering (NIE). Keynote, Speaker. September 8-13, 2019, at Cetraro (Calabria), Italy.
61. the SIPS 2019 -Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition. Invited Speaker. 23-27 Oct 2019, Paphos, Cyprus.
62. the 3 rd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry-IC 3 TC 2019. Keynote Speaker, December 2019, days 01-05 in the Caparica Village (Costa de Caparica) in Setubal area, Portugal.
63. International Symposium on Superwettability. Invited Speaker, January 12-15, 2020, Singapore.
64. The 7th International Conference of Bionic Engineering (ICBE 2023). Keynote Speaker, October 12-15, 2023, Wuhan, China.