2013年优秀硕士毕业生。研究微纳米结构表面的防覆冰特性。申请专利2项,第一作者在Adv Mater,Nanoscale,Soft Matter 发表文章3篇。
1. P. Guo, Y. Zheng*, M. Wen, C. Song, Y. Lin & L. Jiang. Icephobic / Anti-icing Properties of Micro- / Nanostructured Surfaces. Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 2642-2648.
2. P. Guo,
Y. Zheng*, C. Liu & L. Jiang. Directional shedding-off of water on natural/bio- mimetic taper-ratchet array surfaces.
Soft Matter 2012, 8, 1770-1775.
3. P. Guo, M. Wen, L. Wang, Y. Zheng*. Strong anti-ice ability as nano-hairs over micro-ratchet structures. Nanoscale 2014, 6, 3917-3920. (Front Cover)