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Dr. Zhang received a B.E. degree from Chongqing University and a joint Ph.D degree from Technology University of Belfort- Montbéliard and Xi’an Jiaotong University. From September 2007 to January 2009, he worked as a teaching-research assistant in at Technology University of Belfort-Montbéliard. Since Feb 2009, he is a postdoctoral researcher, and then a project researcher in University of Mons. In 2014, he joined Yangzhou University as professor where he is leading a research group on thermal spray coatings and gas sensors. In 2015, he was appointed as director of Research Institute for Surface Engineering of Yangzhou University. His research interests include thermal spray and remanufacturing technology, especially on gas sensitive and wear-resistant coatings. Dr. Zhang has been involved in systematic reviews for more than 10 scientific journals and he is on Editorial Board of Journal of Coating Science and Technology and International Journal of Materials Science and Applications.