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Conductive composites based on core–shell polyaniline nanoclay by latex blending
writer:Yu, Y. F.*; Zhong, X. H.; Gan, W. J.,
keywords:nanoclay, polyaniline, latex
specific source:Colloid and Polymer Science 2009, 287, (4), 487-493.
Issue time:2009年

A simple and versatile method for the preparation of conductive composites based on core–shell polyaniline (PANI) one-dimensional nanoclay distributed
in poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate) (EVA) latex with high colloidal stability is demonstrated. The morphological and electrical properties of the composites were investigated. The nanostructures were synthesized from PANI-coated sepiolite nanorods via in situ oxidative polymerization after the surface modification of the sepiolite with ammonium and anilinium salts. Two forms of PANI nanoclay, powder and paste, have shown a much different percolation threshold and significantly different morphologies due to their dispersion ability in EVA matrix. At the same PANI content, the conductivity of the blends with paste is much higher than that of blends with powder PANI nanoclay.