Dr. Yaqiong Zhang
简介:章亚琼,女,2010年毕业于安徽大学高分子材料与工程系,获学士学位;2015年毕业于中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系,硕博连读,获博士学位。2015年-2017年在中国科学技术大学从事博士后研究工作。2018年在安徽农业大学任讲师,主要进行生物质材料结晶和加工改性等领域的研究,目前为止在The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Soft Matter, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, CrystEngComm 和Macromolecules等美国化学会和英国皇家化学会国际核心专业期刊上共发表SCI论文24篇,其中第一作者论文6篇,通讯作者1篇。
E-mail: zyq100@ahau.edu.cn
1. 聚乳酸材料的结晶和增韧性能的研究
2. 纤维素梳型聚合物的制备和性能研究
3. 高分子复杂体系流变学
4. 高分子材料结构-性能关系
1. Yaqiong Zhang, Hongjun Xu, Jingjing Yang, Shouyu Chen, Yunsheng Ding, and Zhigang Wang*. Significantly accelerated spherulitic growth rates for semicrystalline polymers through the layer-by-layer film method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 5882-5893.
2. Yaqiong Zhang, Zhongkai Wang, Feng Jiang, Jing Bai and Zhigang Wang*. Effect of miscibility on spherulitic growth rate for double-layer polymer films. Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 5771-5778.
3. Yaqiong Zhang, Huagao Fang, Zhongkai Wang, Miao Tang and Zhigang Wang*. Disclosing the formation of ring-banded spherulites for semicrystalline polymers through the double-layer film method. CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 1026-1037.
4. Yaqiong Zhang, Zhaohua Xu, Zhongkai Wang, Yunsheng Ding and Zhigang Wang*. Strong enhancements of nucleation and spherulitic growth rates through amplified interfacial effects for immiscible linear polymer/comb-like copolymer double-layer films. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 20582-20591.
5. Yaqiong Zhang, Feng Jiang, Wentao Wang, and Zhigang Wang*. Speeding of spherulitic growth rate at the late stage of isothermal crystallization due to interfacial diffusion for double-layer semicrystalline polymer films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, 118,
6. Yaqiong Zhang and Zhigang Wang*. Increased spherulitic growth rates of semicrystalline polymer due to enhanced limited local chain segmental mobility at the interface of double-layer thin films. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2013, 31, 1276-1283.
7. Yin Chen, Yaqiong Zhang*, Feng Jiang, Junyang Wang, Zhaohua Xu, Zhigang Wang*. Significant enhancement of crystallization kinetics of polylactide in its immiscible blends through an interfacial effect from comb-like grafted side chains. Science China-Chemistry, 2016, 59, 609-618.
8. Zhongkai Wang, Yaqiong Zhang, Liang Yuan, Jeffery Hayat, Nathan M. Trenor, Meghan E. Lamm, Laetitia Vlaminck, Stijn Billiet, Filip E. Du Prez, Zhigang Wang, and Chuanbing Tang*. Biomass approach toward robust, sustainable, multiple-shape-memory materials. ACS Macro Letters,2016, 5, 602-606.
9. Huagao Fang, Yaqiong Zhang, Jing Bai and Zhigang Wang*. Shear-induced nucleation and
morphological evolution for bimodal long chain branched polylactide. Macromolecules, 2013, 46, 6555-6565
10. Zhaohua Xu, Yaqiong Zhang, Zhigang Wang*, Ning Sun and Heng Li. Enhancement of electrical conductivity by changing phase morphology for composites consisting of polylactide and poly(ε-caprolactone) filled with acid-oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2011, 3, 4858-4864.
11. Wenlin Li, Yaqiong Zhang, Jingjing Yang, Jun Zhang, Yanhua Niu, and Zhigang Wang*. Thermal annealing induced enhancements of electrical conductivities and mechanism for multiwalled carbon nanotubes filled poly(ethylene-co-hexene) composites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 6468-6478.
12. Hongjun Xu, Yaqiong Zhang, Jingjing Yang, Lei Ye, Qianghua Wu, Baojun Qu, Qiao Wang and Zhigang Wang*. Simultaneous enhancements of toughness and tensile strength for thermoplastic/elastomer blends through interfacial photocrosslinking with UV radiation. Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 4, 3028-3038.