Li Wang got his Ph.D. degree at Zhejiang University and was a
postdoctor in Waterloo University, Canada during 1995-1997. He currently holds a
professor and doctor tutor position of Zhejiang University. He was also a visitor professor of
Yale University and University of Washington, a researcher of Czechic Academy of
Science. His research interests largely focus on the synthesis of polymers and
functional polymers, preparation and organization of nanomaterials. He has hold
more than 60 research programs that from Natural Science Foundation of China,
the ministry of Science and Technology, the International Cooperative Programs,
Multinational Corporations and domestic enterprises as the project director. He
has published more than 200 papers in the journals such as Chemical Reviews (2010 IF=33.033), Prog.
Polym. Sci. (2010 IF=22.870), Angewandte
Chemie-International Edition (2010 IF=12.730), J.
Phys. Chem. B, Macromolecules, Nanotechnology and so on. He has been
invited to visit the universities in U.S.A., U.K., France, Italy, Germany,
Canada, Czech to give lectures and/or make academic