课题组关于利用光控主客体相互作用改进具有“呼吸”特性的中空聚合物纳米微球的制备并将其用于药物控释的研究工作被J. Mater. Chem. B录用
host–guest interaction as a new strategy toimprove the preparation of
“breathing” hollow polymernanospheres as controlled drug delivery
Zhang, Wei Tian,* RongtianSuo, Yang Yue, Xiaodong Fan, Zhen Yang, Hui Li,
Wanbin Zhang,and Yang Bai
This paper presents
the photo-controlled host–guest interaction between azobenzene and
β-cyclodextrin as a newstrategy to improve the method for core removal to
hollownanospheres. This improved method for the preparation of hollow
nanospheres issimple,environment friendly, and highly efficient. The resulting
hollow nanospheres displayed a typical“breathing”behavior, which further
induces the controlled release of doxorubicin hydrochloride. Cellular toxicity
evaluationindicated that the hollow nanospheres possess good biocompatibilityand
can be used as a promising doxorubicinhydrochloride carrier.