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Shaobing Zhou, he is a full professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University. His research areas mainly include: synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polymers (e.g. PLA, PLGA, PELA, PCL), drug controlled release system, intelligent polymeric nanocomposites.

He has published more than 100 articles on biomaterials subjects, in which 90 articles were published in Science Citation Index (SCI) journals, and 17 of them were published in journals with inpact factor over 7.0, and 40 of them were published in journals with impact factor over 4.0, whose citations have been beyond 2000. He also has applied for 8 Chinese patents. In 2007, he obtained Programs for New Century Excellent Talents in university, Ministry of Education of China (NCET-07-0719) .At present, he acts as a reviewer for more than 40 international journals such as Advanced Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Biomaterials, Macromolecules, Polymer and Journal of controlled release.