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Enhanced Biocompatibility of PLGA Nanofibers with Gelatin/Nano-Hydroxyapatite Bone Biomimetics Incorporation.
writer:Daowei Li, Haizhu Sun, Liming Jiang, Kai Zhang, Wendong Liu, Yang Zhu, Jiaozi Fangteng, Ce Shi,
keywords:electrospun nano?bers, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid), gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite, bone biomimetics, bone tissue engineering, biocompatibility
specific source:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
Issue time:2014年

The biocompatibility of biomaterials is essen-

tially for its application. The aim of current study was to

evaluate the biocompatibility of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)

(PLGA)/gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite (n-HA) (PGH) nano-

?bers systemically to provide further rationales for the

application of the composite electrospun ?bers as a favorable

platform for bone tissue engineering. The PGH composite

sca?old with diameter ranging from nano- to micrometers was

fabricated by using electrospinning technique. Subsequently,

we utilized confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and MTT assay to evaluate its cyto-compatibility in vitro. Besides, real-

time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis and alizarin red staining (ARS) were performed to assess the

osteoinductive activity. To further test in vivo, we implanted either PLGA or PGH composite sca?old in a rat subcutaneous

model. The results demonstrated that PGH sca?old could better support osteoblasts adhesion, spreading, and proliferation and

show better cyto-compatibility than pure PLGA sca?old. Besides, qPCR analysis and ARS showed that PGH composite sca?old

exhibited higher osteoinductive activity owing to higher phenotypic expression of typical osteogenic genes and calcium

deposition. The histology evaluation indicated that the incorporation of Gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite (GH) biomimetics could

signi?cantly reduce local in?ammation. Our data indicated that PGH composite electrospun nano?bers possessed excellent cyto-

compatibility, good osteogenic activity, as well as good performance of host tissue response, which could be versatile

biocompatible sca?olds for bone tissue engineering.