Morphology-Patterned Anisotropic Wetting Surface for Fluid Control and Gas–Liquid Separation in Microfluidics.
writer:Shuli Wang, Nianzuo Yu, Tieqiang Wang, Peng Ge, Shunsheng Ye, Peihong Xue, Wendong Liu, Huaizhon
keywords:micro?uidics, surface patterning, anisotropic wetting, ?uid control, gas?liquid separation
specific source:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
Issue time:2016年
This article shows morphology-patterned stripes as a new platform for
directing ?ow guidance of the ?uid in micro?uidic devices. Anisotropic (even
unidirectional) spreading behavior due to anisotropic wetting of the underlying surface
is observed after integrating morphology-patterned stripes with a Y-shaped microchannel.
The anisotropic wetting ?ow of the ?uid is in?uenced by the applied pressure, dimensions
of the patterns, including the period and depth of the structure, and size of the channels.
Fluids with di?erent surface tensions show di?erent ?owing anisotropy in our
microdevice. Moreover, the morphology-patterned surfaces could be used as a
microvalve, and gas?water separation in the microchannel was realized using the
unidirectional ?ow of water. Therefore, bene?ting from their good performance and
simple fabrication process, morphology-patterned surfaces are good candidates to be applied in controlling the ?uid behavior in