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Photo-switchable supramolecular comb-like polymer brush based on host–guest recognition for use as antimicrobial smart surface.
writer:Si Yu Zheng, Yifeng Ni , Jiahui Zhou , Yucong Gu, Yiting Wang, Jingfeng Yuan, Xiaoyu Wang, Dong
keywords:Azobenzene (azo)-modified
Issue time:2024年
Bacterial infections from biomedical devices pose a great threat to the health of humans and thus place a heavy burden on society. Therefore, developing efficient antibacterial surfaces has attracted much attention. However, it is a challenge to identify or develop a combination that efficiently integrates multiple functions via topological tailoring and on-demand function-switch via non-contact and noninvasive stimuli. To resolve this issue, a highly hydrophilic comb polymer brush was constructed here based on supramolecular host–guest recognition. Azobenzene (azo)-modified antifouling and antibacterial polymers were incorporated into cyclodextrin (CD)-modified antifouling polymer brushes grafted on the surface. The surface thus obtained possessed excellent antifouling performance with a low bacterial density of ~6.25 × 105 cells per cm2 after 48 h and exhibited a high efficiency of ~88.2% for killing bacteria. Besides, irradiation with UV light resulted in the desorption of the azo-polymers and a release of ~85.1% attached bacteria. Irradiating visible light led to the re-adsorption of azo-polymers, which regenerated the fresh surface; the process could be repeated for at least three cycles, and the surface still maintained low bacterial attachments with a cell density of ~7.10 × 105 cells per cm2, high sterilization efficiency of ~93.8%, and a bacteria release rate of ~83.1% in the 3rd cycle. The photo-switchable antibacterial surface presented in this research will provide new insights into the development of smart biomedical surfaces