Xuhong GUO is a specially appointed professor of Materials-oriented Chemical Engineering in the School of Chemical Engineering at the East China University of Science and Technology. He has authored over 60 articles, 50 abstracts, and 5 issued or pending patents. His current research involves Functional Polymer Materials, Biomedical Engineering and Rheology including nano-sized spherical polyelectrolyte brushes, macromolecular assembly based on cyclodextrin inclusion associations, oil flow improvers and biocompatible polymer hydrogels. He has received his Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry from Karlsruhe University, Germany (2001), Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Sichuan University (1992) and Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from Tsinghua University (1989). He work as postdoctor and Research Staff Member in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Princeton University for 4 years before he obtained current position in 2006.