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O2 activation and hydrolysis of Salan rare-earth metal alkyl complexes
writer:Xinli Liu and Dongmei Cui
keywords:Salan; bimetallic; lutetium; complex ; mixedhydroxy
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Issue time:2007年

Salan ligated yttrium alkyl complex 1, L1Y(CH2SiMe3)(THF) (Salan = L1: [2-O-3,5-tBu2-C6H2CH2N(CH3)CH2]2), was exposed to an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere to give a bimetallic alkoxide complex 4, [L1Y(μ-OCH2SiMe3)]2. Whilst the lutetium counterparts 2(L1Lu(CH2SiMe3)(THF)) and 3 (L2Lu(CH2SiMe3)(THF); L2: [2-O-3-tBu-C6H2CH2N(CH3)CH2]2) were hydrolysed with moist nitrogen to afford mixedhydroxy/silyloxy complexes 5 and 6 ([L1,2Lu(μ-OSiMe3)(μ-OH)LuL1,2]), respectively.