- Prof. Dr. Dongmei Cui
- Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,CAS
- Welcome to dongmeicui.polymer.cn
- Visits:666788
Contact Info.
- Address:长春市人民大街5625号中科院长春应化所
- Zip:130022
- Tel:85262773
- Fax:
- Email:dmcui@ciac.ac.cn
Current Location :> Home > News
- 恭喜课题组武仪博士获得国家奖学金!
- 恭喜课题组王田田博士获得国家奖学金!
- 恭喜课题组姜洋博士荣获两项奖学金!
- 恭喜课题组王田田博士与钟元昊博士顺利完成毕业答辩,祝他们前程似锦!
- 崔冬梅课题组一行人参加2021年全国高分子学术论文报告会-中国·北京
- 长春应化所稀土催化剂精准控制大宗通用单体选择性配位聚合获进展
- 崔冬梅研究员一行人参加2020年全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会——中国·海口
- 《Angew.Chemie 》 Interviews Prof. Dongmei Cui
- Academic Conference for Polymer Science,17th(SiChuan,China)
- International Conference for Rare Earth Chemistry,(University of Tübingen, Germany)
- Bilateral conference of Polymer Science and Bio Nanotechnology between China and Austrian,(University of Queensland...
- International Conference of Polymer Science,(Saint Petersburg, Russia)
- Chinese Rubber Research Seminar ,13th (Taiyuan,China)
- High Performance New Materials from Simple Monomer ,Angew Chem Int Ed
- Dr. Lin Fei graduated, wish him a successful career, promising!
- Wu Chunji, Liu Bo, deputy researcher Dr. Liu Bo and others research results published in Angewande chemie, congratul...
- Li Shihui, deputy researcher Dr. Liu Bo and others research results published in Angewande chemie, congratulations!
- Liu Dongtao associate researcher and others research results published in Angewande Chemie, congratulations!