1. Review patterns for academic journals, such as ACS Nano; Adv.Mater.; Polymer;Carbon; J.Polym.Sci.(B); J Appl Polym; Comp.Sci.Tech.; Composites A; Polym.Eng.&Sci.; Mater.Chem.Phys.; J.Noncryst.Mat.; Polym.Composites; Macro Mater.Eng.; Chemistry;
2. Subeditor of the journal of Huaqiao University;
3. Editor of the journal of Material Review;
1984.7 Dept.Chem.,Xiamen Univ.,B.S
1987.7 Dept Chem.,Jilin Univ,M.S
1999.11 Dept. MaterSci.Tianjing,Univ.Ph.D
1995.6-1995.12 Gifu Univ.,Japan.Visiting Scholar
2000.10-2000.12 Nagasaki Indus &Tech Center,Visiting Scientist
2001.3-2002.3 Dept Chem.Univ. of Michigan,USA,Visiting Scholar
2008.9- 2016.8.30 Head of the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering