图2. 智能粘附的最强和最弱粘附统计。(A)拉开模式下的数据统计。(B)剪切模式下的数据统计。
针对这个挑战,新加坡南洋理工大学校长讲席教授夏焜(新加坡南洋理工大学前副校长)、清华大学讲席教授高华健院士(清华大学力学与工程交叉院院长)、新加坡南洋理工大学王一凡教授和湖南湘潭大学王秀锋教授近日在Science Advances上发表文章,利用形状记忆聚合物相变过程中的模量调控效应、形状锁存效应和形状记忆效应,提出了按需粘附和按需脱粘的粘附电子皮肤设计,实现了最强和最弱粘附的解耦,达到了kPa级到MPa的粘附调控范围。
相关研究以“Versatile adhesive skin enhances robotic interactions with the environment”为题发表在Science 子刊 Science Advances上。夏焜校长讲席教授、高华健院士、王一凡教授和王秀峰教授为论文共同通讯作者;南洋理工大学博士后研究员令狐昌鸿(导师高华健院士和夏焜校长讲席教授)为本文第一作者;南洋理工大学博士后研究员刘杨承毅、南洋理工大学博士杨旭东、中国计量大学特聘副教授陈舟博士为论文共同第一作者。其他作者还包括MIT的博士生冯进、新加坡国立大学博士生张以远、南洋理工大学李琰、本科生Seo Yong-Jae、李君威博士、本科生姜皓誉、苏江涛博士、方寅教授,以及北航李宇航教授和赵召博士(排名不分先后)。
该设计方法利用形状记忆聚合物(SMP)等相变材料中的橡胶态到玻璃态(R2G)转变过程中的模量变化,来控制电子皮肤的粘附状态。当SMP处于玻璃态时模量高,无法与物体表面形成良好接触,故而粘附很弱,可以用于避免粘附的场景。当SMP处于橡胶态时非常柔软,能与物体表面形成良好接触。接触后转变到玻璃态,接触变形由于形状锁存效应被冻结,从而会提供很强的R2G 粘附。当再次被加热到橡胶态后,冻结的接触在SMP的形状记忆效应驱动下被释放,导致粘附减弱。橡胶态下接触之后形成的可控强粘附可以用于需要粘附的场景。
Fig. 1. Design and operation of SMP robotic adhesive skins.
(A) Schematic comparison between the proposed SMP adhesive skin and conventional adhesive designs. In conventional adhesives designs (left), the maximum adhesion strength is proportional to the minimum strength, characterized by large constants of proportionality in both pull and shear modes (middle). This limitation means that strong adhesives and easy detachment cannot be achieved with the same adhesive. In contrast, the proposed SMP adhesive skin features maximum and minimum adhesion strengths that are independent of each other, with very small constants of proportionality (middle). This enables a wide tunability in adhesion, allowing the adhesive skin to function effectively in scenarios where adhesion is either required or to be avoided, thereby greatly enhancing robotic interactions (right). (B) SMP adhesive skins integrated onto a robotic hand (left) to enhance its capabilities to interact with the environment. The robotic adhesive skin patches (right) are featured by arrays of hexagonal SMP adhesive fibrils on the surface and then embedded flexible heaters and pressure sensors connected by SMP adhesive interlayers. (C) Principle of on-demand attachment and detachment of a single SMP adhesive fibril on the adhesive skin. ① Minimal adhesion when contacting in the glassy phase. ② On-demand attachment when contact is established in the rubbery phase. ③ Strong DMT-like R2G adhesion after cooling into the glassy phase. ④ Switch-off of adhesion by heating up back into the rubbery phase where the SMP fibrils are detached in a JKR-like state.
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[3]Changhong Linghu, Yangchengyi Liu, Yee Yuan Tan, Jun Heng Marcus Sing, Yuxuan Tang, Aiwu Zhou, Xiufeng Wang, Dong Li, Huajian Gao*, K Jimmy Hsia*. Overcoming the adhesion paradox and switchability conflict on rough surfaces with shape-memory polymers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023, 120(13): e2221049120.
[4]Changhong Linghu, Xudong Yang, Yangchengyi Liu, Dong Li*, Huajian Gao*, K Jimmy Hsia*. Mechanics of shape-locking-governed R2G adhesion with shape memory polymers, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023, 170: 105091.
- 美科学家研制超薄电路:似刺青可粘皮肤上 2011-08-17