图1. Schematic illustration of the fabrication route of MX-TpX-COF aerogels.
图2. (a) Digital photo of MX-TpX-COF aerogel, and (b-g) SEM images and element mappings of the MX-TpX-COF aerogel.
图3. Mechanical properties of three types of MX-TpX-COF aerogels.
图4. Hydrophilic properties of TpX-COF aerogels: (a) Digital pictures and water contact angles of three types of TpX-COF aerogels; (b) DFT calculation of three types of TpX-COF fragments for water and toluene at the optimal adsorption site; (c) Digital photographs of TpDT-COF aerogel absorbing dyed toluene and chloroform from water.
图5. Solar steam generation performance of three types of MX-TpX-COF based evaporators.
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