《Frontiers in Robotics and AI》Special Issue
Mechanically Designed Advanced Materials and Structures in Robots
Recent advances in robots have highlighted the importance of advanced materials and structures actuated by various external stimulations (e.g., heat, electric, magnetic, optical and acoustic). Myriads of active materials are being extensively developed and applied to robots, such as piezoelectric/magnetic or ferroelectric/magnetic materials, shape memory alloys/polymers, dielectric elastomers, liquid crystalline elastomers and hydrogels. Advanced structural designs, especially through mechanical ways, for active materials, can greatly enhance the material performance and further improve the functions of robots based on them.
Despite dramatic progress on the advanced materials and structures for robotic applications, many challenges still remain, such as: (1) Mechanical designs of the structures are usually too simple to realize complex functions; (2)Theoretical works are usually not systematical and numerical tools for solving multidisciplinary problems are usually lacking; (3) Most mechanical designs are forward, lacking purpose-guided inverse design and computational methods; (4) Advanced fabrication strategies to manufacture multi-component structures; (5) System integration of different structures to implement robotic functions.
This Research Topic aims to present the latest progress in mechanically designed advanced materials, structures and applications in robots. We hope to create a forum to facilitate multidisciplinary works and discussions in this vibrantly developing field. Both experimental, theoretical and computational investigations from all research fields are welcome. The following types of manuscripts are expected: Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Mini Review, Perspective and Review Articles.
The scope of the research topic includes but is not limited to:
Advanced materials responsive to various stimulations (heat, electric, magnetic, optical)
Soft active materials including elastomers and hydrogels
Mechanically designed advanced structures (including meta-materials and meta-structures)
Theoretical and computational works on mechanical structure designs and active materials
Advanced fabrication strategies (3D and 4D printing)
Proof of concept of applications in robots (surgical robots, robotic explorer)
Keywords: Advanced materials, Advanced structures, Advanced fabrication, Mechanical design, Robots
Submission Deadline:
21 June 2022
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