2020-03-22  来源:中国聚合物网

  南方科技大学机械和能源系韦齐和教授近期正组建一个专注于智能软材料 (液晶,弹性体,活物质,胶体物质), 微纳制造(2d-4d 打印), 可编程折/剪纸,和微纳光学的多学科交叉的研究团队. 为此招聘4名博士后和2名科研助理。


  (1) 要求:物理,光学或材料专业毕业,博士学历,有扎实的数理基础和好的科研经历,工作勤奋踏实,具有团队合作精神;有好的英文写作与交流能力。

  (2)研究方向:(a) Two-photon polymerization, programmed origami, liquid crystal polymers; (b) Active matter (micro-swimmers and motile cells, collective behavior) (c) Flat optics (meta-surfaces and diffractive optical elements), AR/VR, liquid crystals and devices. 具有相关研究经历的会给予优先考虑。

  (3) 待遇:薪酬福利不少于 30 万元(含市财政给予的生活补助 18 万元/年);特别优秀者可申请校长卓越博士后,薪酬福利可达 38 万元。海外博士符合相关人才政策条件可以申请孔雀计划. 希望能在六月份左右入职。(4)有海外留学经历满足要求的可额外申请深圳市孔雀人才计划。


  (1) 要求: 物理,光学或材料专业的硕士学历;工作勤奋踏实,具有团队合作精神;有较好的中英文写作与沟通能力.

  (2) 工作: 协助实验室的建设和实验室仪器及耗材的采购、帮助或负责研究课题的开展. 

  (3) 待遇: 基础年薪 10-12 万, 另加“五险一金”和年终奖。成绩优秀者将提供深造机会.

  韦齐和教授回国前是美国肯特州立大学物理系和世界知名液晶研究所终身教授;曾是德国洪堡学者和美国国家科学基金会CAREER奖的获得者。韦齐和小组的研究兴趣广泛,涉猎统计物理,光学,力学,材料工程,传感器,仿生,先进制造等多学科交叉领域 (http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/weiqh/)。有兴趣请联系:weiqh@sustech.edu.cn

With this difficult time, I hope that you all are healthy and safe.

I just started my group at the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering in the Southern University of Science and Technology, with a research focus on intelligent soft materials (liquid crystals, elastomers, living and colloidal matter), micro/nano manufacturing (2d-4d printing), programmable origami/kirigami, and micro/nano optics.  Curently I have 4 postdoctoral opennings for candidates with soft matter or flat optics research background, with details in the following.

 Requirements: PhD degrees in condensed matter physics, optics or material science; outstanding scientific research experience and strong experimental skills; hard-working and team spirit; good English writing and communication skills.

 Research directions: (a) Two-photon polymerization, programmed origami, liquid crystal polymers;  (b) Active matter (micro-swimmers and mobile cells, collective behavior); (c) Flat optics (meta surfaces and diffractive optical elements), AR/VR, liquid crystals and devices;. Priority will be given to candidates with experience in related research areas.

 Salary:  Remuneration and benefits starting from 300k CNY (~42k$). Particularly outstanding candidates can apply for the university president''s excellent postdoctoral fellowship, with salary reaching 380k CNY (~55k$). The starting time will be around the June of 2020 or upon mutual agreements. Interested candidates should contact Prof. Qi-Huo Wei for further information: weiqh@sustech.edu.cn.

 I would greatly appreciate if you could distribute this information to those who might be interested.


