Postdoc and PhD student Positions-Cao Lab at WSU
2016-12-20 来源:曹智强,美国韦恩州立大学
Postdoc and PhD student Positions - Cao Lab at Wayne State University
Research fields:Biomaterials and/or Immuno-bioengineeringPostdoc and PhD positions are available at Prof. Zhiqiang Cao''s lab at Wayne State University. Start date for PhD students is in January, May or September 2017. Postdoc position starts at any time. Cao lab uses a multidisciplinary approach, to study new materials and their translational applications in healthcare and biomedical engineering. Candidates with background in (1) polymers, biomaterials, or (2) immunology, T cell biology, molecular biology or biochemistry are welcome to apply. Specific research area is open, but candidates with significant experience in (1) organic/material synthesis, or (2) manipulating the immune system against diabetes and cancer, vaccine development, or related in vivo models and evaluations will be favorably considered. Qualified applicants are expected to be self-motivated and have strong publication records. Interested individuals should email Prof. Cao with CV included ( The position will remain open until filled.
Prof. Cao joined Wayne State, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science in early 2013. Previously he worked with Prof. Shaoyi Jiang on zwitterionic materials for his Ph.D. at University of Washington. Later he worked as a postdoc with Prof. Robert Langer on diabetic research at MIT and Harvard Medical School. His current research is supported by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and multiple programs from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). He receives the 2016 NIH NIDDK Type 1 Diabetes Pathfinder Award. For more information please visit
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