链接地址: http://www.oecd.org/topic/0,2686,en_2649_34537_1_1_1_1_37407,00.html
Ongoing and planned future work focuses on three broad fields: applications to human health; applications to sustainable development; applications to the knowledge-based economy (science and technology infrastructure, and particularly Biological Resource Centers; intellectual property rights and licensing; stakeholder involvement; statistics).

Recognising that biotechnology was (and is) driven by fundamental research and discovery, the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (STI) has covered this sector since 1980 and continues to follow advances in basic research on biotechnology and its applications. The policy challenges of biotechnology seem to arise faster than governments and societies can respond.

The OECD therefore seeks to help them to respond by providing a platform for international discussion and co-operation. The issues raised by biotechnology are shared by industrialised, and increasingly, by developing countries. Countries share information, discuss new policy approaches when traditional policies do not suffice and jointly develop collaborative policies when necessary.

At the Working Party on Biotechnology (WPB), the Working Group on Human Health-Related Biotechnologies (WGHHRB) and various task forces, delegates and Member country experts initiate projects requiring international co-operation. They co-operate closely with other OECD bodies working on biotechnology issues.

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