Thailand’s Industry Minister Visits Bayer
Thailand’s Industry Minister Chaiwuti Bannawat was welcomed by Bayer Management Board member Dr. Wolfgang Plischke who invited him to sign the company’s Golden Book.
Leverkusen, July 29, 2010 – Thailand’s Industry Minister Chaiwuti Bannawat and a sixteen-strong delegation visited Bayer AG in Leverkusen. Dr. Wolfgang Plischke, the member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG responsible for innovation, technology and the environment and the Asia Pacific region, received the guests in the Kasino building, where Chaiwuti Bannawat signed the company’s Golden Book.
Dr. Klaus Schäfer, Chairman of the Executive Board of Currenta, gave the delegation a description of the services provided by the site operator and provided some statistics on the Chempark. He also highlighted the environmental, safety and energy aspects that were crucial for the operation of a chemical park. The delegation then visited the Safety and Security Control Center and the Bürrig Waste Management Center.
Bayer has about 1,200 employees in Thailand and generated sales of over EUR 160 million there last year. At the country’s Map Ta Phut site Bayer MaterialScience operates an advanced world-scale production facility for the high-tech engineering polymer Makrolon®. Dr. Günter Hilken, Global Head of the polycarbonates business and a member of the Executive Committee of Bayer MaterialScience, was also present at the meeting in Leverkusen.