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Ultrachem 收购RW 涂料
2010-7-15 来源:EU
关键词:Ultrachem RW Coatings

Ultrachem, a UK-based independent consumables supplier and manufacturers UV inks, water based coatings and pressroom chemistry, has bought RW Coatings’ specialty manufacturing business. The company’s clearcoat range and brand names will continue to be marketed independently through John Russell to current dealers and customers, Tim Webb, chairman of RW Coatings, said. The coatings producer would quit its Hertford base and move to Ultrachem’s factory in Bristol, Webb added. The coatings producer has concentrated the business focus on exports, which fits perfectly with the ongoing strategy within our operations, said Tony Brinton, managing director at Ultrachem. Both companies boast sales of UK-made products to more than 100 countries.

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