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2010-10-29 来源:中国聚合物网
关键词:PPG 匹兹堡涂料 Pittsburgh Paints 

Pittsburgh Paints Launches ‘Color-Sense Game,’ v. 2

PPG Industries Inc.’s Pittsburgh® Paints announced the rollout of a new version of its Color Sense Game™, a color-selection tool available at www.voiceofcolor.com.
The company says the enhanced color-selection tool provides a “deeper, more meaningful consideration of colors that are best suited for their personality, style and interests.”
The Color Sense Game 2.0 “helps users overcome the overwhelming feeling of having too many choices, and instead offers users their own personal set of colors for paint and other design elements in a room or space,” the company says. “Color Sense narrows down the process to a personal, meaningful collection of colors based on the user’s responses.”
The program then provides unique five-color combinations that offer color opportunities for walls, trim, accent areas, and home décor (furniture, pillows, window treatments, flooring), and offers a starting point for designing around a personality and style, based on the user’s five senses and interests.
“Color preferences are unique, and choosing color is a personal exercise,” said Dee Schlotter, brand manager of color for The Voice of Color. “Many times, we’re not even aware of why we like a color or how certain colors, when paired together, make us feel. Color Sense helps us reveal our interests and traits, which bring us to a better understanding of why we gravitate to certain colors,”
The company says the game helps users gain an understanding of their color preferences on a psychological level through an interactive quiz. Participants respond to a number of questions on color influencers such as emotion, the five senses and core personality. For example, participants are asked to choose a phrase that best inspires them. Answer choices include invigorating, elegant, exotic and comfortable. Other questions include:
Where would you feel more at home?
What image is the most appealing to your sense of taste?
What scent would make you feel good?
What image is most appealing to your sense of touch?
Which landscape pleases your sense of sight?
With which sound track do you connect the most?
What place seems to be the perfect escape for you?
What type of animal would you consider yourself to be?
The game is described as the cornerstone of The Voice of Color program. The program provides a variety of tools that allow users to find colors that best suit their style.
More information about the Color Sense Game and the company’s nine Harmony Color Collection Families is available at www.voiceofcolor.com.

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