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沃格尔涂料油墨为汉斯木器漆许可新政 推新业务单元
2010-10-29 来源:D+D
关键词:沃格尔涂料油墨 汉斯木器漆 Vogel Paint Inks Hesse-Lignal Wood Coatings

Vogel Paint Inks Licensee Deal for Hesse-Lignal Wood Coatings, Launches New Business Unit

Vogel Paint, based in Orange City, Iowa, announced an agreement with Hesse-Lignal of Hamm, Germany, under which Vogel Paint will become the exclusive licensee for the U.S. manufacture of Hesse-Lignal’s wood coatings.
The newly created Vogel Industrial Wood Coatings group will market Hesse-Lignal coatings and technology through independent representatives and distributors in the U.S., Vogel Paint said.
Hesse-Lignal is described as a major European producer of interior wood finishes, with 26 partners and subsidiary companies around the world. In announcing the agreement, Vogel Paint said Hesse Lignal “has a strong background in a variety of technologies including lacquer, urethanes, water-based, and UV-cure coatings, and has a strong portfolio of environmentally friendly coatings.”
“Hesse is intensely focused on developing new, high-performance lacquer systems to improve the productivity and quality level in the wood industry,” Vogel Paint said.
Drew Vogel, Vogel Paint president and CEO, said the company “is pleased to enter into this agreement with Hesse to expand our technology and better service customers in the wood-coatings area. Both companies bring a strong commitment to quality products and excellent service. We look forward to deepening our position in the wood industry.”
Vogel Paint is a manufacturer of coatings for the professional-painter and industrial markets, and operates 70 retail locations in 13 states. The company also markets products nationally through product lines such as Old Masters Craftsman Quality Stains and Finishes.
Beate Hesse, Hesse-Lignal managing director, said his company “looks forward to the cooperation with Vogel Paint. Both family-owned companies have a long and strong tradition of focusing on service and providing professional solutions for our customers. We are convinced that the American wood and furniture industry will benefit from this new cooperation.”
Hesse noted that Hesse-Lignal in 2010 is marking its 100th anniversary as a specialist in wood coatings and stains for interior use.
Vogel Paint, founded in 1926, is a supplier of coatings for the architectural, heavy-duty protective, industrial, traffic, and powder-coatings markets. The company operates seven manufacturing facilities in the central U.S., and offers products under the brand names Diamond Vogel®, Old Masters®, Van Sickle®, Peridium® Powder Coatings, Pinnacle® Protective Coatings, and Axis® Performance Coatings.
More information: www.vogelpaint.com.

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