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2010-1-25 来源:EC
关键词:欧洲化学工业 欧洲化学工业理事会 Cefic

    目前,欧洲是化学品生产和创新的全球领先者。全球大约30%的产品是在欧洲生产。然而这一位置并非理所当然,欧洲化学工业理事会(Cefic)产业政策执行董事René van Sloten说。他讲解了支持欧洲行业处于领先地位的主要优势。(英文原文:Today Europe is a global leader in chemical production and innovation. Roughly 30 % of the global production takes place in Europe. However, that position cannot be taken for granted, says René van Sloten, Executive Director Industrial Policy at Cefic. He speaks about the key strengths of the industry in Europe which will support to maintain a leading position. )
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