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陈凌 总工 武汉凌辉高分子材料有限公司
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PPO发泡母料 项目负责


PPO foam system has long been imported from abroad Foam Master foam material to them. The company since July 2009 commissioned by the GE company's agents. Of the product for development. PPO has been successfully developed special foam masterbatch. And to delivery; PPO special foam masterbatch development; successfully resolved a long-term reliance on imports of raw materials phenomena; for the enterprise to save the cost of production

PP发泡产品的开发与应用 项目负责


PP foam has plagued the entire industry; non-cross-linked foam is the industry bottleneck. In order to break this bottleneck; I started in 2003; focus on the research and development of the project; from PP system modification; formula system, conditioning and equipment technology development; currently a small amount of the market. But limited to 1-5mm plate production; density of around 0.4. Major R & D PP foam is thick and wide and more low-density development.

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