废聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)可通过定向加氢转化为高价值化学品,展现出巨大的应用潜力。然而,实现精准的催化控制仍面临挑战。在本研究中,研究人员首次利用精心设计的 PtW/MCM-48 催化剂,通过精准调控催化剂的中等酸性位点,实现了废 PET 一锅法选择性加氢制备对甲基苯甲酸(p-TA),产率高达53.4%,同时联产36.4%的对二甲苯(PX)。机制研究表明,其优异的催化性能源于 Pt 纳米颗粒与 WOx 物种之间的协同作用:低价 WOx 物种增强了 Pt 的分散性,而 Pt 进一步稳定 WOx 为低聚合态多钨酸盐。PtW1.5/MCM-48 具备适度酸位点,能有效调控 p-TA 的解吸,抑制其过度加氢转化为 PX,并在真实 PET 废料转化中展现出良好的适用性。LCA 和 TEA 分析进一步凸显了该技术的应用前景。
1、本研究采用一步法选择性加氢策略,实现废 PET 高选择性不对称加氢定向制备高值化学品 p-TA,适用于多种形式的 PET 废料。生命周期评价(LCA)和技术经济评价(TEA)结果表明,该方法不仅显著减少了传统石化工艺带来的环境污染,同时具备优越的经济可行性。
2、本研究采用精心设计的双功PtW/MCM-48催化剂,展现出卓越的催化性能,使 p-TA 和 PX 的收率分别达到 53.4% 和 36.4%。催化剂具有较高的稳定性,易分离、可循环利用。
3、多种表征手段和DFT计算结果共同表明,PtW/MCM-48催化剂的优越性能源于Pt NPs和WOx物种之间的协同相互作用,优化的 Pt/W 比例赋予催化剂适度的中等酸性位点,可以精准控制中间体的吸附和解吸,从而促进p-TA的形成,同时抑制过加氢生成PX。
4、本研究开发了一种高效的金属/酸双功能催化剂,深入解析了废 PET 选择性加氢过程中羰基环和苯环的部分氢化机制,对废塑料氢化回收新技术的开发具有重要参考价值。
Figure 1. Schematic diagrams of conventional PET recycling methods, petroleum-based p-TA preparation, and the new method for p-TA production via selective hydrogenation of PET in this work.
Figure 2. Optimization of reaction conditions for targeted hydrogenation of waste PET to p-TA and PX over Pt-based catalysts. (A) Effect of different supports; (B) effect of second metal sites of bimetallic Pt-M/MCM-48 (n(Pt): n(M) = 1:1.5); (C) effect of Pt/W molar ratio in PtW/MCM-48 catalyst; (D) effect of reaction temperature; (E) effect of H2 pressure. General reaction conditions: 0.05 g PET, 3 mL of H2O, 12 h, 700 rpm, 0.05 g catalyst with 5.0 wt% Pt loading, pH=2, 260 °C, 2 MPa H2.
Figure 3. (A, B) Reaction product distributions on the targeted hydrogenation of waste PET over (A) PtW1.5/MCM-48 and (B) Pt/MCM-48 catalysts as a function of time. Reaction conditions: 0.05 g PET, 3 mL of H2O, 260 °C, 2 MPa H2, 12 h, 700 rpm, 0.05 g catalyst, pH=2 (with PWA). Specially, for aromatic liquid products, the yields were calculated by (moles of aromatic ring in product)/ (moles of aromatic ring in feedstock). For raw PET materials, the conversion was calculated by (moles of all aromatic liquid products)/ (moles of aromatic ring in feedstock). (C) Possible reaction pathway for the targeted hydrogenation of waste PET over PtW1.5/MCM-48 catalyst.
Figure 4. (A) XRD patterns of MCM-48, Pt/MCM-48 catalyst, and PtW/MCM-48 catalysts with different Pt/W molar ratios. (B) UV-vis spectra of (a) MCM-48, (b) W1.5/MCM-48, (c) W2/MCM-48, (d) Pt/MCM-48, (e) PtW0.5/MCM-48, (f) PtW1.3/MCM-48, (g) PtW1.5/MCM-48, (h) PtW1.8/MCM-48, (i) PtW2/MCM-48. (C) Raman spectra of (a) MCM-48, (b) Pt/MCM-48, (c) PtW0.5/MCM-48, (d) PtW1.3/MCM-48, (e) PtW1.5/MCM-48, (f) PtW1.8/MCM-48, (g) PtW2/MCM-48, (h) W1.5/MCM-48, (i) W2/MCM-48. (D) H2-TPR profiles of the Pt/MCM-48 and PtW1.5/MCM-48 catalysts. (E) XPS spectra of W4f in the W1.5/MCM-48, PtW2/MCM-48 and PtW1.5/MCM-48 catalysts. (F, G) HAADF-STEM images of (F) W1.5/MCM-48 and (G) W2/MCM-48 samples. (H-K) EDX spectroscopy mapping profiles of PtW1.5/MCM-48 catalyst. (L-N) HR-TEM images and particle size distributions of (L) PtW1.5/MCM-48, (M) Pt/MCM-48, (N) PtW2/MCM-48 catalysts. (O-T) HR-TEM images of the PtW1.5/MCM-48 catalyst.
Figure 5. (A) XPS spectras of W4f in the PtW/MCM-48 catalysts with different PtW molar ratios. (B) Correlation between the molar ratio of Pt/W of PtW/MCM-48 catalysts and the formation rate of p-TA and PX, along with the W5+/(W5++W6+) ratio on the catalysts surface. (C) NH3-TPD profiles of the PtW/MCM-48 catalysts. (D) Relationship between Pt/W molar ratio in PtW/MCM-48 catalysts and the content of weak and total acidic sites. (E) Acetic acid TPD-MS results for PtW/MCM-48 catalysts with different PtW molar ratios. (F, G) The IR spectra of adsorbed pyridine on (F) PtW1.5/MCM-48 and (G) PtW2/MCM-48 catalysts. (H) Br?nsted and Lewis acid sites contents and ratios of Pt/MCM-48 and PtW/MCM-48 catalysts.
Figure 6. (A, B) DRIFTS images of acetic acid adsorption on (A) PtW1.5/MCM-48 and (B) PtW2/MCM-48 catalysts. (C, D) The intermediate CH3-Ph-COOH* on the (C) W3O7/Pt(111) and (D) W4O7/Pt(111) model. (E) Reaction energies of the hydrogenolysis of p-TA on W3O7/Pt(111) and W4O7/Pt(111) surfaces. (F, G) Schematic diagram of selective hydrogenation of waste PET to p-TA and PX over (C) PtW1.5/MCM-48 and (D) PtW2/MCM-48 catalysts.
Figure 7. (A) Targeted hydrogenation of real waste PET plastics (a) polyester rope, (b) seal bag, (c) water bottle, (d) snake-skin rope, (e) tray, (f) coloured ribbon, (g)white terylene cotton, (h)black terylene cotton to p-TA and PX over PtW1.5/MCM-48 catalyst. General reaction conditions: 0.05 g real PET plastics, 3 mL of H2O, 260 °C, 2 MPa H2, 700 rpm, 12 h, 0.05 g PtW1.5/MCM-48, pH=2 (with PWA). (B) Comparison of the revenues and costs of waste PET and naphtha to p-TA (100,000 tons p-TA production per year). (C) Comparison of the viabilities of the production of p-TA from waste PET and naphtha. “M-facter” referred as Material consumption (ton/ton p-TA) and “C-facter” referred as Catalyst cost ($/ton p-TA). (D) Comparison of non-renewable energy use (NREU) and global warming potential (GWP) in production of 1 kg p-TA from waste PET and naphtha.
梅清清,浙江大学环境与资源学院“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师,英国皇家学会牛顿国际学者。长期致力于生物质/废塑料等有机固体废弃物的高值化利用,围绕关键化学键的精准活化与调控,开发原子经济性转化路线与绿色催化体系,以实现复杂多介质有机固废体系的高选择性资源回收。在Sci. Adv., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 等权威期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,授权国家发明专利13件,主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省重点研发计划等项目。担任Science Bulletin/《科学通报》 特邀编委,The Innovation期刊青年编委,Carbon & Hydrogen青年编委。
E-mail: meiqq@zju.edu.cn
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