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Synthesis of zinc N-morpholinomethylphosphonic acid and its application in high density polyethylene
作者:Liu Y, Cao ZH, Zhang Y*
关键字:metal phosphonate; flame retardancy; High density polyethylene; layered structure
具体来源:Fire Safety J., 2015.1, 71: 1-8
Zinc N-morpholinomethylphonic acid (MMPA-Zn) with layered structure was synthesized via hydrothermal reaction between zinc acetate and N-morpholinomethylphonic acid. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that MMPA-Zn has good thermal stability and char-forming ability with high onset decomposition temperature of 391 oC and high residual char at 700 °C of 65.3 wt%. The flame retardancy of high density polyethylene (HDPE) containing various amount of MMPA-Zn was investigated by TGA and cone calorimeter. With the increase of the content of MMPA-Zn in HDPE, the residual char weight at 700 °C increased from 0.1% to 17.9%. The heat release rate (HRR), peak heat release rate (PHRR), total heat release (THR) and emission of CO of HDPE obviously decreased as well.