Preparation of polydopamine nanocapsules in a miscible tetrahydrofuran–buffer mixture
作者:Ni, Y. Z.; Jiang, W. F.; Tong, G. S.; Chen, J. X.; Wang, J.; Li, H. M.; Yu, C. Y.; Huang, X. H.*; Zhou, Y. F.*
关键字:polydopamine nanocapsules
具体来源:Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13, 686–690.

A miscible tetrahydrofuran–tris buffer mixture has been used to fabricate polydopamine hollow capsules with a size of 200 nm and with a shell thickness of 40 nm. An unusual non-emulsion soft template mechanism has been disclosed to explain the formation of capsules. The results indicate that the capsule structure is highly dependent on the volume fraction of tetrahydrofuran as well as the solvent, and the shell thickness of capsules can be controlled by adjusting the reaction time and dopamine concentration.