Molecular Self-Assembly of A Homopolymer: An Alternative to Fabricate Drug Delivery Platform for Cancer Therapy
作者:Liu, J.Y.; Huang, W.*; Pang, Y.; Huang, P.; Zhu, X.Y.; Zhou, Y. F.; Yan, D.Y.*
关键字:antitumor agents, drug delivery, polymers, redox chemistry, self-assembly
具体来源:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 9162.
The best of both worlds: A novel amphiphilic homopolymer synthesized from a monomer consisting of a hydrophobic group (see picture, red) and a hydrophilic moiety (green) self-assembles in aqueous solution. The resulting micelles have a multi-core/shell structure and exhibit smart redox-responsive properties, thus providing a favorable drug delivery platform for cancer therapy.