Real-Time Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Large Compound Vesicles from an Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Multiarm Copolymer
作者:Mai, Y. Y.; Zhou, Y. F.*; Yan, D. Y.*
关键字:hierarchical structures;polymers;self-assembly;vesicles
具体来源:Small 2007, 3, 1170 – 1173.

Let''s gets vesicle! Hydration of a layer of amphiphilic, hyperbranched copolymer molecules with short poly (ethylene oxide) arms leads to the self-assembly of vesicles. Over time, the polymer layers transform due to successive hydration and fusion into a three-dimensional vesicle stack (TDVS) consisting of interconnected sticky vesicles. Eventually, the TDVS divides into large compound vesicles (see image; scale bar=20?μm) due to external forces.